thenineteen / Semiology-Visualisation-Tool

Data driven 3D brain visualisation of semiology. Semiology to anatomy translator based on over 4600 patients from 309 peer-reviewed articles.
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Finalise SemioBrain Database Semiology Category Assignments #142

Closed thenineteen closed 4 years ago

thenineteen commented 4 years ago

After SemioDict version gets a major increment (#141), finalise the SemioBrain Database assigned semiology categories.

Major bump in SemioBrain Database version.

thenineteen commented 4 years ago

I've closed this as I expect minor changes on discussion with BD/FC given the available data and after reviewing the ILAE Semiology Glossary and papers and updated the SemioDict taxonomy replacement

neurokleos commented 4 years ago

Great! Let's freeze this issue until FC and BD discussion.

Preliminary SemioBrain list:

Aphasia Aphemia Astatic Asymmetric Tonic Atonic Auditory Autonomous-Vegetative Behavioural Arrest Blink Clonic Cough Dacrystic Dialeptic / LOA Drinking Dysphasia Dystonic Epigastric Eye Version Fear-Anxiety Gelastic Grimace Head Turn Head Version Hypermotor Hypomotor Ictal Limb Paresis Ictal Pout Ictal Speech LOC Lower Limb Automatism Myoclonic Non-specific Aura Nose-wiping Olfactory-Gustatory Oral Automatisms Other Complex Motor Psychic Somatosensory Spasms - epileptic/infantile Spitting Tonic Tonic-Clonic Upper Limb Automatism Vestibular Visual Vocalisation

ILAE Glossary-derived list:

Abdominal Akinetic Affective Experiential Aphasic Astatic Asymmetric Tonic Atonic Auditory Elementary Autonomic (Aura) Autonomic (Seizure) Cephalic Clonic Dacrystic Dialeptic Dyscognitive Dysphasic Dyspraxic Dystonic Posturing Epileptic Spasm Eye Blinking Mimetic Automatism Mnemonic Experiential Gelastic Gestural Automatism Gustatory Elementary Hallucinatory Experiential Head Turning Hyperkinetic Hypermotor Hypersalivation Hypokinetic Hypomotor Illusory Experiential Manual Automatism Myoclonic Negative Myoclonic Nystagmus Olfactory Elementary Oroalimentary Automatism Pedal Automatism Pilomotor Peri-ictal Water Drinking Post-ictal Aphasia Post-ictal Nose-wiping Olfactory Elementary Oroalimentary Automatism Somatosensory Elementary Spitting Todd's Paralysis Tonic Tonic-Clonic Unspecified Aura Verbal Automatism Visual Elementary Vocal Automatism Vomiting/ Retching

neurokleos commented 4 years ago

Ali, please share here (and in reply to JD email) the most recent version of the preliminary SemioBrain list, where you have integrated few semio from ILAE Glossary.

thenineteen commented 4 years ago

it is available here

Ali, please share here (and in reply to JD email) the most recent version of the preliminary SemioBrain list, where you have integrated few semio from ILAE Glossary.