thenineteen / Semiology-Visualisation-Tool

Data driven 3D brain visualisation of semiology. Semiology to anatomy translator based on over 4600 patients from 309 peer-reviewed articles.
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How to combine posterior Bayes estimation with SS heatmaps #218

Closed thenineteen closed 3 years ago

thenineteen commented 3 years ago

could be:

  1. simple mean
  2. based on number of patients in each of the TS (Epilepsy Topology+ Stimulation) and SS nested datasets
  3. based on inverse variance weighting: inverse of SS data variance (wilson CI or bootstrapped) and the credible interval for the posterior

I suspect if we use 3, this will heavily weigh it towards the posterior calculations, i.e. TS data. Given TS data is heavily mesial temporal biased, this could reintroduce the bias. Given TS has more data than SS, option 2 could similarly reintroduce the bias heavily.

So then why even bother? because, e..g Somatosensory, is insular for TS but parietal for SS. We want to capture both. So I suggest we take a simple mean of the two so that the TS-posterior and SS data are given equal weights.

thenineteen commented 3 years ago

implemented in #222

thenineteen commented 3 years ago

update; see #224 #225

Bayesian-TS data: