thennequin / ImWindow

Window and GUI system based on Dear ImGui from OCornut
MIT License
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The mouse position is not displayed correctly in ImWindowSokolOGL project #34

Open zhouxs1023 opened 4 years ago

zhouxs1023 commented 4 years ago

The mouse position is not the same as the acquisition position as below:


thennequin commented 4 years ago

I can't reproduce your issue.

Can you try to change the value of the second parameter of ImwWindowManagerSokol constructor in main.cpp to false, to disable custom window titlebar.

ImwWindowManagerSokol oMgr(&oSokolDesc, true); //Before
ImwWindowManagerSokol oMgr(&oSokolDesc, false); //After
zhouxs1023 commented 4 years ago

Thank your reply! change true to false, the mouse position can be acquisition normally

thennequin commented 4 years ago

Do you have this problem only with the sokol OpenGL version or it's also present in the DX11 version ?

zhouxs1023 commented 4 years ago

Dx11, sokologl and sokoldx11 provide self drawing titlebar. At present, only ImWindowSokolOGL projects has this problem. ImWindowDX11 and ImWindowSokolDX11 do not have this problem, which may be caused by my computer's poor support for GL3 In addition, whether ImWindowGLFW and ImWindowOGL projects can also support self drawing title blocks

thennequin commented 4 years ago

What brand of GPU do you have? I knew AMD had issue with the borderless mode of EasyWindow and with MSAA under DX11, so there maybe other problems.