Using the sliders is a ton of fun! But I'm not sure the the results are actually meaningful. But I did recognize that San Diego CA and Bay County FL are outliers.
$$ per acre may better be displayed using a color code for each bar with a legend. The width of the bar could indicate the total number of acres in a county. So for example: a tall red skinny bar would indicate a high pay out in a county with few acres.
Change Log
New data for 2018-2020 added
Cropland per county data added
New combined csv with indemnity plus lat, lon & pop created
Arable acres per county is added to data set; indemnity per acre is displayed
Release 2021-07-21: US Crop Insurance Indemnities by County 1979-2020
Using the sliders is a ton of fun! But I'm not sure the the results are actually meaningful. But I did recognize that San Diego CA and Bay County FL are outliers.
$$ per acre may better be displayed using a color code for each bar with a legend. The width of the bar could indicate the total number of acres in a county. So for example: a tall red skinny bar would indicate a high pay out in a county with few acres.
Change Log