theochem / AtomDB

An Extended Periodic Table of Neutral and Charged Atomic Species
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Periodic and electron density related properties for atoms #4

Closed gabrielasd closed 4 months ago

gabrielasd commented 1 year ago

Properties in AtomDB

This file lists the properties in AtomDB, together with their format. For any of these properties, a "promolecular" value should be possible to define. It will generally be either a mean (perhaps a geometric mean or an l-infinity mean) or a sum of the atomic properties.


Given the atomic number, charge (default to zero), multiplicity (default to ground state of species with that charge and multiplicity), and excitation-level (default to lowest-energy state for a given charge and multiplicity). When fractional charge/multiplicity is provided, the correct thing to do is to define the value from the convex hull. Fractional excitation is not something I know how to support, except perhaps when the fractional occupation is less than one.


It isn't really part of AtomDB per se, but when multiple entries for a data entry are there, we should default to experiment or the highest-accuracy HCI (or similar) calculation we have. That way a user doesn't necessarily have to request a specific piece of data.

Originally posted by @PaulWAyers in

gabrielasd commented 1 year ago

Please follow these links for an idea of the properties being evaluated in each dataset (as they show in master branch)

nist slater numeric gaussian hci

To the extent that it is possible (given the raw data available) each dataset should cover the properties listed in this issue 1st comment