theochem / horton

HORTON: Helpful Open-source Research TOol for N-fermion systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Rapid deployment to Github, PyPI and #271

Open tovrstra opened 7 years ago

tovrstra commented 7 years ago

I've made an example project of how to build and deploy packages with Travis (Linux and OSX) and AppVeyor (Windows).

To make a new release for this package (source tar.gz on Github, PyPI and compiled package on, I only need to push a version tag (like 1.4.1) to the github repo, thanks to the deployment features of Travis-CI and some PowerShell scripting on AppVeyor. Also the documentation is rebuilt on Travis-CI when such a tag is pushed. This makes it super easy to publish new releases.

This rapid deployment could help us when splitting up HORTON in smaller packages without ending up in dependency hell. I'm mainly thinking of two relevant use cases:

(1) End users can simply install Conda as a standardized Python environment, which works on all platforms. Installing miniconda or anaconda is trivial. E.g. for Miniconda with Python 3, these are the steps:

chmod +x
./ -b   # -b is for non-interactive install
source miniconda3/bin/activate           # can be put in .bashrc

Once you have conda installed, installing the demo project just takes:

conda install -c tovrstra pycydemo

The -c tovrstra option selects my channel: This command will install all dependencies as well. We can even put our compilations of LibXC and LibInt in such a channel, to avoid issues like #262.

When a user is interested in a package that only has Python dependencies, then pip can be used as well. For example, if your computer has Python and pip installed, one just has to run:

pip install numpy Cython
pip install pycydemo --user

Pip has some limitations, which make it not suitable for all purposes:

  1. It can only install Python packages, which is a problem when you have non-python dependencies.
  2. It does not make a distinction between stable, alpha and beta releases, which is possible on Conda and Github
  3. Uploading something to PyPI is an irreversible operation, no mistakes allowed.
  4. If you have import numpy or import Cython in, pip cannot install your package from scratch, e.g. in a new venv. There is an ugly workaround for numpy:
  5. Wheels (pip's binary packages) for a broad class of Linux systems are difficult to make. The solution can be found here:

(2) Developers can easily install a development environment, making use of the conda environments. My first idea was to work with so-called environment.yml files, but these do not allow easy upgrading when the development version moves on to newer versions of dependencies. It would be better to add a script that takes the dependencies out of conda.recipe/meta.yaml and that installs/upgrades/downgrades these in the current Conda environment. On top of these, one may clone git repos for a few dependencies, in case one wants to develop against a development version of the dependency. Installing these into a conda environment (without root) is relatively easy.

tovrstra commented 7 years ago

These are the steps to implement all of the rapid deployment goodies in a Python project:

tovrstra commented 7 years ago

With the above changes to your project, making a new release takes the following steps:

  1. Update the release history. Build documentation locally and make sure it looks good.

  2. Commit the final changes to master and push to github (or make a PR).

  3. Wait for the CI tests to pass. Check if the README looks OK on Github, etc. If needed, fix things and repeat step 2.

  4. Make a git version tag: git tag <some_new_version> Follow the semantic versioning guidelines: Always increase the version. Do not prefix the tag with a v: use 1.0.0 instead of v1.0.0. Add an a<counter> suffix to the version for alpha releases (features and API still changing). Add an b<counter> suffix to the version for beta releases (features and API stable, bug fixes only). Some examples in chronological order:

    1.0.0a1 1.0.0a2 1.0.0a3 1.0.0b1 1.0.0b2 1.0.0 1.0.1a1 1.0.1 1.1.0 1.1.1 2.0.0a1 2.0.0a2

  5. Push the tag to github: git push origin master --tags and wait for all the magic to happen.

loriab commented 6 years ago

Hi @matt-chan, there was some talk at PyQC this year that we should shut down the PyQC channel on ( In particular, PySCF has its own channel, but the pyqc pyscf channel version was showing up in google instead (who googles How does that interact with your Horton distribution scheme? Paul Ayers suggested to consult you. No rush, just saw the reminder tab I've kept open.

matt-chan commented 6 years ago

Hi @loriab, yep, we've moved almost everything over to the "theochem" channel. We used to get libint and libxc from PyQC, but we simplified things for our users so they could do a 1-step install. I'm not sure if we should keep it or not, since technically we should have a common deps. Maybe push for inclusion of common dependencies to conda-forge?

And it turns out I'm guilty of googling for those anaconda packages =S, although I've never searched Psi4.