theochem / procrustes

Python library for finding the optimal transformation(s) that makes two matrices as close as possible to each other.
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positive semi-definite Procrustes problem #98

Open FanwangM opened 3 years ago

FanwangM commented 3 years ago

This positive semi-definite Procrustes problem is trying to

More details can be found at Woodgate, K. G. (1993, December). A new algorithm for the positive semi-definite Procrustes problem. In Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 3596-3601). IEEE..

This will be on the to-do list of our package, but not for this stage.

PaulWAyers commented 3 years ago

This would be really cool to have. It's also nice because it explains (finally!) why the symmetric Procrustes problem is useful!!!

FanwangM commented 3 years ago

some more papers related to positive semi-definite Procrustes problem

  1. Kiskiras, J., & Halikias, G. D. (2007). A note on the complex semi‐definite matrix Procrustes problem. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 14(6), 485-502.
  2. Gillis, N., & Sharma, P. (2018). A semi-analytical approach for the positive semidefinite Procrustes problem. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 540, 112-137.
  3. Jingjing, P., Qingwen, W., Zhenyun, P., & Zhencheng, C. (2019). Solution of symmetric positive semidefinite Procrustes problem. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 35, 543-554.
  4. Andersson, L. E., & Elfving, T. (1997). A constrained Procrustes problem. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 18(1), 124-139.
  5. Oviedo, H. F. (2019). A Spectral Gradient Projection Method for the Positive Semi-definite Procrustes Problem. arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.06497. with matlab codes in

This list is built for future implementation.

FanwangM commented 2 years ago

I would propose these algorithms be prioritized.

  1. Woodgate, K. G. (1993, December). A new algorithm for the positive semi-definite Procrustes problem. In Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 3596-3601). IEEE.
  2. Jingjing, P., Qingwen, W., Zhenyun, P., & Zhencheng, C. (2019). Solution of symmetric positive semidefinite Procrustes problem. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 35, 543-554.
  3. Oviedo, H. F. (2019). A Spectral Gradient Projection Method for the Positive Semi-definite Procrustes Problem. arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.06497.

The proposed algorithms either come with numerical tests example or source code in Matlab. This makes the testing of the code easy.

PaulWAyers commented 2 years ago

Probably just implementing one algorithm here may suffice, at least at first. A related problem with an explicit solution is to find the closest semidefinite matrix to a given matrix (one matrix = I) or the closest semidefinite matrix with a given trace to a given matrix. There are analytic solutions here, and they can be used as testing. If it were possible, it would be nice to be able to solve the positive semi-definite Procrustes problem with a trace constraint, since often positive semidefinite matrices with specified (usually unit) trace show in up quantum-mechanical examples (as (reduced) density matrices).

FanwangM commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions. I have changed the GSoC documentation accordingly.

For the closest semidefinite matrix problem, do you mean something like

Also, an analog problem is the nearest correlation matrix problem, I am not sure how this can be used for chemistry, but this is interesting, at least from a math perspective. And it's application examples are listed at the end of the post.

PaulWAyers commented 2 years ago

Yep, these references are good leads. The nearest correlation matrix is obviously interesting for machine learning.

The trace-constraint is yet another linear constraint (so similar to the correlation matrix) but has an explicit solution, see the appendix of

In general, adding any set of linear constraint(s) on the solution is helpful (i.e., Tr[Q_k*P] = q_k) where P is positive semidefinite, Q_k is a linear operator (Hermitian in all the cases I can think of), and q_k is a float.