theogf / Turkie.jl

Turing + Makie = Turkie
MIT License
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Algebra of Graphics Support? #33

Open ParadaCarleton opened 2 years ago

ParadaCarleton commented 2 years ago

Following this discussion, there might be an interest in adding AlgebraOfGraphics support to Turkie; we'd have to decide whether we're fine with having it as a dependency. If we did, though, there's a lot of code in GGPlot-style syntax we can take from Bayesplot.

theogf commented 2 years ago

I am totally up for having an interface between Turing and AoG. I think it would only make sense for static plots (in the sense that no new data is incoming). How should we consider the interface? Should we simply try to reach feature parity with MCMCChains.jl with Plots.jl?

storopoli commented 2 years ago

I think that to begin a feature parity with MCMCChains.jl with Plots.jl would be awesome. Then, once done, we could improve.

Tagging @rikhuijzer who might be interested.

devmotion commented 2 years ago

I think that to begin a feature parity with MCMCChains.jl with Plots.jl would be awesome.

Since MCMCChains already supports the Tables interface on which AoG is based (see, it seems this just requires better support of some additional statistical plots such as corner plots in Makie or AoG (e.g.,