theonegalen / UnKerballedStart

Probes-first and planes-first tech tree for Kerbal Space Program. Inspired by UnmannedBeforeManned by Yemo.
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Suggestions: Stock Restructuring #15

Open theonegalen opened 3 years ago

theonegalen commented 3 years ago
theonegalen commented 3 years ago

From FreeThinker on the KSP Forums: ​ "Another suggestion I would recommend is to add specializedPlasmaGeneration as additional tech requirement to  exoticFusionRockets, as the tech represent a merge between Fusion Engines, Exotic Fusion Reactions and Specialized Plasma Engines. Also because "Specialized Plasma  Generation", logicly requires advances in "High Energy Science" (for PLasma Wakefield Accelerator Engine), I recommend adding it as an addition requirement for Specialized Plasma  Generation. Additionaly add a requirement for Advanced Fusion Reactions to Advanced Fusion Engine which realy requires it

            parentID = specializedPlasmaGeneration
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
            parentID = highEnergyScience
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
            parentID = advFusionReactions
                    lineFrom = TOP
                    lineTo = BOTTOM

This result in the following endgame tree

freethinker tree

theonegalen commented 3 years ago

RoboRay on the KSP Forums said:

"I also think sorting the SRB and tank parts into tech tree nodes by diameter would work nicely. Right now, it seems like you unlock a tech node and get the shortest tanks in two or three different diameters, then unlock the next node and get the next longer lengths for those same diameters. So, you end up cobbling rockets together from lots of short tanks and never using the longer ones because you've moved on to larger diameter tanks by the time you unlock the long ones. Having to use lots of short tanks isn't a difficulty challenge... it's just an annoyance for aesthetics and artificially inflates the needed part count for a craft.

If you want to retain length progression with the tanks, I would still suggest sticking to one diameter per tech node. So, you would end up with something like:

Short 1.25m tanks > Long 1.25m tanks > Short 1.875m tanks > Long 1.875m tanks > Short 2.5m tanks > Long 2.5m tanks > etc.

Keeping the little probe tanks off in a parallel side node still make sense.

The excellent RP-1 tech tree is structured something like this and it plays through very nicely."

theonegalen commented 3 years ago

From Corax on the KSP Forums:

"One thing though that I'd like to put forward for consideration is swapping the positions of solar panels and fuel cells. Currently photovoltaics are unlocked before fuel cells, while I think at least from a gameplay perspective if not entirely historically accurate, it would make more sense the other way around–once you have solar panels, there's no real need to futz with fuel cells with their limited lifespan and considerable mass penalties."

// Fuel Cells: Tier 2-4

@TechRequired = engineering101 // Tier 2

 @TechRequired = gadgets // Tier 3

 @TechRequired = gizmos //Tier 4

// Solar Panels: Tier 4-7
 @TechRequired = gizmos // Tier 4

@TechRequired = electrics // Tier 5

 @TechRequired = advElectrics // Tier 6

 @TechRequired = largeElectrics // Tier 7
theonegalen commented 3 years ago

From Rocketology on twitch:

1.875m engines and 2.5m engines of similar use in the same node - cheetah and skipper both in Heavier Rocketry - consider moving cheetah to Precision Propulsion or Propulsion Systems

theonegalen commented 3 years ago

From Rocketology on twitch: Check BDB and Probes Plus and survivability node