theonekaran / tipster

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[Intro to iOS] Project 1 - Review my app #2

Open theonekaran opened 8 years ago

theonekaran commented 8 years ago

My app is complete, please review. /cc @codepathreview

sumade commented 8 years ago

👍 Nice work updating your app.

This prework is a preview of our weekly project process. Generally, weekly projects take between 5-10 hours to complete the required features and an additional 5-10 hours to complete the optional features. In general, we've seen that the more hours you log, the quicker you improve your proficiency with iOS.

The purpose of this project was to begin to explore Xcode and to get a broad overview of iOS development using Swift. For example, in this project, we explored the following concepts:

We encourage you to continue to enhance your app. Ping us here again as you you submit extensions. We are accepting people in large part based on the quality of their pre-works until the class is filled up. Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.