theonion / videojs-vast-plugin

A VideoJS plugin for VAST
MIT License
263 stars 174 forks source link

compatibility with Videojs 5 ? #86

Open DrLightman opened 8 years ago

DrLightman commented 8 years ago

Any hope/tweak in order to see this working with the latest Videojs 5 ?

Thank you

alfuken commented 8 years ago

+1 for that

oleynikd commented 8 years ago

+1 Where is the source? We could help to port it...

svetlin-mladenov commented 8 years ago


trucle commented 8 years ago


halibegic commented 8 years ago


tarikdedic commented 8 years ago


joshmadewell commented 8 years ago

Pretty sure this project is dead. I would consider using

wmcmurray commented 8 years ago

:point_up_2: The above alternative does not currently support 5.x either... BUT there is some sort of progress going on in this issue :

philipgiuliani commented 8 years ago You can use this code! Its working very well with VJS 5

wmcmurray commented 8 years ago

I wrote a blog article about which ads plugin to choose (and the perfect one is not mentioned here!).. I'll try to keep it up to date if things changes but for now, spare yourself some pain and read it !

DrLightman commented 8 years ago

@wmcmurray thanks for pointing that article out, I'm having issues with MailOnline plugin indeed and I'm looking for an alternative.

edit: maybe not the right place to to this, but I'm getting this error after setupping a simple test with your suggested videojs-ima plugin for videojs:

TypeError: is not a function in videojs.ima.js line 1128

edit2: oh boy, AdBlockPlus was blocking the* files, solved. I feel ashamed.

prock13 commented 8 years ago

@wmcmurray thanks for the write up...just saved me hours of trying to figure out why videojs-vast wasn't working for me. Question for you: Have you tried using videojs-ima with videojs-youtube? I'd like to serve up some youtube videos and deliver my own pre-rolls.

wmcmurray commented 8 years ago

@prock13 I'm very glad it helped ! I haven't tried it with videojs-youtube but if you are unable to make it work, just tell me, I could take a look.

prock13 commented 8 years ago

@wmcmurray Thanks...I couldn't get it to work and I'm thinking it's because it only works with an older version of videojs but I'm not sure.

wmcmurray commented 8 years ago

@prock13 You should be using VideoJS v5.x, it works with my suggested ads plugin since npm release 0.4.0 (note that for some reason, there is no github release tag for this version right now, code on master branch should be okay if you are not using npm). And if your videojs-youtube plugin is this one, their readme says :

Use branch vjs4 if you still using old VideoJS v4.x.

so I guess it works with v5.x :wink:

MiyuMew commented 8 years ago

Hi @wmcmurray,

Thanks for your article. I try too to put preroll add on youtube video using IMA & Videojs but that seems impossible. In IMA SDK they said "Publishers cannot use IMA products to monetize YouTube-hosted content. For YouTube content, publishers must monetize through the YouTube partner program.".

No solutions for that so :/

feelslikefriday commented 7 years ago

Any news on this? I tried to use this plugin with video.js v. 5.11 and it throws this error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'vjs.Html5.Events')

(or is that me doing something silly?)