theopensourceway / guidebook

Guidebook of open source community management best practices; is somewhat opinionated.
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Reward models #219

Closed semioticrobotic closed 2 years ago

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

This proposed chapter begins addresses #214 by offering an overview of various open source community reward models.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Really great feedback, @shaunix. Thank you. :pray: I incorporated them all in a newly pushed revision.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

I will work on writing a conclusion ASAP. In the meantime, @quaid, I'd like to have this undergo D&I review to ensure that I'm being inclusive in my writing about reward models. Could you please assist with finding a reviewer?

quaid commented 2 years ago

I will work on writing a conclusion ASAP. In the meantime, @quaid, I'd like to have this undergo D&I review to ensure that I'm being inclusive in my writing about reward models. Could you please assist with finding a reviewer?

+1 that is probably a good practice to follow from now on.

But we also want to build out own muscles here, so I'll do a review too. But I'm thinking @lmaffeo might be a good next D&I reviewer, if she's available? Maybe then after the two of us have a pass at it, we can all discuss what is a good process to follow for this SME review. What I'm mindful of is SMEs in this field are not only busy timewise, but emotionally as well. Anything we can do to reduce the workload going in to such folx is a good thing (and following our own advice, too, I reckon.)

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

I'd love if @lmaffeo would be able to take a look. Great idea. As long as she's not too busy, natch.

Additional note: I'm open to any and add feedback, of course, but I'm particularly interested in understanding whether the writing recommends reward models or systems that inadvertently disfavor under-represented groups. Thanks to @shaunix for the reminder to include this.

lmaffeo commented 2 years ago

@quaid and @semioticrobotic I'd love to be an SME for this, especially given the topic. What's your deadline for an SME review?

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

No hard deadline on my end, @lmaffeo, but I'd love to be able to move forward with the chapter by the end of October. Does that seem feasible?

lmaffeo commented 2 years ago

@semioticrobotic EO October sounds good. Feel free to share the draft as soon as it's ready!

SN: Will you be at ATO in Raleigh next week?

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Great! Thanks, @lmaffeo.

I just pushed a conclusion to the file, so it's all set now. You can view the version on this branch.

I will be doing ATO conference activities virtually, but I hear there's talk of some tasty meetups, and I hope to attend. Would love to see you if we can get our paths to cross.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Hey @lmaffeo! Any thoughts on this chapter to share? I'm eager to hear your impressions.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Hi @lmaffeo. Just wanted to check on this one more time. I'd like to finalize the chapter by the end of the calendar year, so eager to hear your feedback and suggestions.

If you'd prefer to discuss privately, of course that's fine! Just drop me a line.

quaid commented 2 years ago

Hi @lmaffeo. Just wanted to check on this one more time. I'd like to finalize the chapter by the end of the calendar year, so eager to hear your feedback and suggestions.

If you'd prefer to discuss privately, of course that's fine! Just drop me a line.

Last I heard from Lauren several weeks ago, she was going into a heads-down mode for work for the rest of the year, and wasn't sure she'd be able to do a review in time.

Instead, I can seek out another reviewer, @Nebrethar comes to mind as an SME. I'm also happy to fill-in but my subject matter expertise is thinner.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Ah, great! Thanks for that clarification, @quaid. If @Nebrethar would be willing to take a look, I'd love that.

lmaffeo commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, @quaid is correct: I emailed him at the start of November offering to do a SME review this winter (Jan/Feb, post-holidays) if it's possible to do at that time. I wasn't able to review this the last weekend of October as planned, so I can't put more on my own plate for the rest of the year. Let me know if a revised timeline works for you both. If not, feel free to choose another reviewer. Thanks, and happy Thanksgiving!

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much, @Nebrethar, for your thoughtful comments and suggestions. I've taken them on board and revised the chapter accordingly. Just pushed that revision to this branch. I do not know if you have time for (or interest in) another glance, but you are certainly more than welcome to take one. Otherwise, I'll defer to @quaid for next steps.

Nebrethar commented 2 years ago

I'm glad to help. I just looked over the revisions - great work!

I've added a nitpick about my name and I'm really happy with the changes.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Yikes! Very sorry to mis-identify you in the draft, Matt. I will fix that right away.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

And done. Thanks so much, @Nebrethar!

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

This has undergone copy edit and SME review and I believe is now ready for final review, @quaid.

quaid commented 2 years ago

This has undergone copy edit and SME review and I believe is now ready for final review, @quaid.

Perfect, thanks, I'm on it.

Appreciate the prodding, I'm still grasping how to handle my GitHub notifications effectively and they are increasing all the time!

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the extra catches, @quaid. I will fix them right quick.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

I think I've got them all now. Ponged back to you to confirm. Thanks!

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Great! Nice catch. Thanks. I will fix.

As for the managing editor: What does that mean and/or involve? Is that role documented somewhere we can review and actively socialize (on mailing lists and the like)?

quaid commented 2 years ago

Note about "complete" and the publishing schedule: There will certainly be time for @lmaffeo to come in with a second SME review before the milestone is complete, which would be very appreciated for this important topic.

semioticrobotic commented 2 years ago

Great news! Thanks, @quaid. And I'm very glad to hear @lmaffeo may have an opportunity to review and comment after all. Cheers! :clinking_glasses: