theophile / SuperSlicer_to_Orca_scripts

Script(s) to convert SuperSlicer data for use in Orca Slicer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Orcaslicer deletes converted Print profiles #10

Open Arthur-de-Partuur opened 1 year ago

Arthur-de-Partuur commented 1 year ago

I have converted all my Superslicer Print profiles. When finished, I see the JSON files in the ourput folder. When I then start Orcaslicer (V1.6.4) the files get deleted and do not show up in Orcaslicer. I strugled with the filimant and machine files as well but read your remark regarding "compatible printer condition" and solved those more or less.. No such luck for the printer profiles. Any gues to what I can do to make this work?

theophile commented 1 year ago

In your OrcaSlicer data directory, in the "log" folder, please locate the newest "log.0" file (for the session that deleted the converted "process" files) and attach it to this issue, if you don't mind. That log usually contains clues as to what keys or values OrcaSlicer found offensive.

Also, if you can upload the original .ini file of one of the print profiles that won't work, that would help as well.

Arthur-de-Partuur commented 1 year ago

Sorry to have to add a couple as I restarted Orcaslicer very often....

Arthur-de-Partuur commented 1 year ago

Made a new zip with log.0 and input and output file... Something with reason = Invalid value provided for parameter line_width: ?

theophile commented 1 year ago

All right, I made a few commits that should fix the issue. Please do a git pull, try again, and let me know if that resolved the issue for you.

dareksilver commented 1 year ago I'm running into the same issue as Arthur-de-Partuur, and I'm using your newest commit (downloaded directly from the github).

I've included the latest log0 file, as well as the ini files of the two printers which keep being deleted when OrcaSlicer opens.
hopefully this will help sort the issue.

theophile commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I appreciate the files. I'll take a look and get it ironed out.

Arthur-de-Partuur commented 1 year ago

[0.30mm SPEED@RatRig (0.6mm nozzle).zip]( I cleared my perl folder and did a git pull. Ran the script on the 2 attached files. The 0.30mm file converts and is visible in Orcaslicer. The 0.13mm however is converted, NOT deleted upon Orcaslicer start but it is also not visible within Orcaslicer...

theophile commented 1 year ago

@dareksilver , I pushed a commit that should resolve your issue. Please do a 'git pull' and try again. Let me know if that takes care of it!

theophile commented 1 year ago

@Arthur-de-Partuur , the issue seems to be that the 0.13mm profile has a compatible_printers_condition parameter for which the value is printer_model=~/.*VC3_.*/ && nozzle_diameter==0.6. So this process profile will not appear as available unless your selected machine (printer) has "VC3_" in the model and is configured for a 0.6mm nozzle.

Arthur-de-Partuur commented 1 year ago

@Arthur-de-Partuur , the issue seems to be that the 0.13mm profile has a compatible_printers_condition parameter for which the value is printer_model=~/.*VC3_.*/ && nozzle_diameter==0.4. So this process profile will not appear as available unless your selected machine (printer) has "VC3_" in the model and is configured for a 0.6mm nozzle.

Thanks for looking into this, @theophile ! I am not able to let the 0.13mm profile show up. I have renamed a printer to contain VC3_, I also named one just VC3_, changed extruder nozzle parameters, restarted Orcaslacer, but no luck. If I go into the json file and just remove the text printer_model=~/.*VC3_.*/ && nozzle_diameter==0.4 it DOES work, so problem solved.

This compatible printer stuf printer_model=~/.*VC3_.*/ is coming from superslicer's Ratrig profiles and I have never understood the use of it. The reference to the nozzle size is my own doing and I will see how to use that with Orcaslicer.

Thankx again, @theophile !

theophile commented 1 year ago

I'm glad to hear you got it working. The thing is, I believe the compatible_printer strings work the same way in OrcaSlicer as they do in SuperSlicer/PrusaSlicer, so if you import all your printers, prints, and filament, the same combinations of profiles should work the same way as they did in SuperSlicer. But I suspect a lot of users are likely to recreate the printer/machine from "scratch" in OrcaSlicer and then only import prints/processes and filament. In that case, a lot of print/process profiles may not show up because they're configured to expect the printer profile that was set up in SuperSlicer.

I'm thinking the best way to handle this is probably to prompt the user and ask them if they want to import the compatible_printers_condition value or leave it blank, and explain that they should leave it blank unless they intend to also import the corresponding printer.

Arthur-de-Partuur commented 1 year ago

Yep, A prompt with a choice seems smart, although you could just strip the printer_model=~/.*VC3_.*/ altogether. I have no printer configured in SS that contains VC3_. at all in its name, so it is probably looking for another place to find this string,... EDIT Ah, I see,.... in the printer ini file in SS there is a ref to that string image

theophile commented 1 year ago

Yep, A prompt with a choice seems smart, although you could just strip the printer_model=~/.*VC3_.*/ altogether. I have no printer configured in SS that contains VC3_. at all in its name, so it is probably looking for another place to find this string,...

I considered the idea of just stripping out the compatible_printers_condition key altogether to make sure people's profiles show up as expected, but then for people who import all their profiles and had them linked and organized, stripping out that key would leave their setup messy and disorganized.

dareksilver commented 1 year ago

@dareksilver , I pushed a commit that should resolve your issue. Please do a 'git pull' and try again. Let me know if that takes care of it!

Thank you! I just did an import with the new script, and it successfully transferred the profiles over now.

Thank you very much.

AndreyShpilevoy commented 11 months ago

I had the same issue. It was fixed by adding 2 values instead of empty into converted JSON. It was params: inner_wall_line_width and outer_wall_line_width.

Vanilla009 commented 5 months ago

@AndreyShpilevoy This worked for me, thank you!

claudermilk commented 5 months ago

Thank you for that, I was running into the same issue. I also had top_surface_line_width as blank. Filled that with the SS value and it's happy. Probably for any of these just pull the default line width value if nothing else to prevent the files from getting deleted and causing frustration and confusion.