theos / logos

Preprocessor that simplifies Objective-C hooking.
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%Property breaks depending on asterisk position #23

Closed thomasfinch closed 6 years ago

thomasfinch commented 7 years ago

The %property declaration breaks depending on the position of the asterisk in the declaration, ex. %property (copy) NSObject* myObj doesn't work but %property (copy) NSObject *myObj does.

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

  1. Save the following as test.xm:
    %hook UIView

%property (copy) NSObject* myObj;


2. Run `perl $THEOS/bin/ test.xm` to get the logos output.
3. Change test.xm so the property declaration reads `%property (copy) NSObject *myObj`, save the file
4. Run the perl command again to get different logos output.

What happens?
The property declaration is left unprocessed in the output file.

What were you expecting to happen?
The property declaration should be preprocessed into associated object calls, but isn't if the asterisk isn't directly adjacent to the object name (`NSObject * myObj` also fails).

Any logs, error output, etc?
Output of the first perl command:
#line 1 "/Users/thomasfinch/Downloads/test.xm"

#include <substrate.h>
#if defined(__clang__)
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
#define _LOGOS_SELF_TYPE_NORMAL __unsafe_unretained
#define _LOGOS_SELF_TYPE_INIT __attribute__((ns_consumed))
#define _LOGOS_SELF_CONST const
#define _LOGOS_RETURN_RETAINED __attribute__((ns_returns_retained))

@class UIView; 

#line 1 "/Users/thomasfinch/Downloads/test.xm"

%property (copy) NSObject* myObj;

#line 6 "/Users/thomasfinch/Downloads/test.xm"

Output of the second perl command (after change):

#line 1 "/Users/thomasfinch/Downloads/test.xm"

#include <substrate.h>
#if defined(__clang__)
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
#define _LOGOS_SELF_TYPE_NORMAL __unsafe_unretained
#define _LOGOS_SELF_TYPE_INIT __attribute__((ns_consumed))
#define _LOGOS_SELF_CONST const
#define _LOGOS_RETURN_RETAINED __attribute__((ns_returns_retained))

@class UIView; 

#line 1 "/Users/thomasfinch/Downloads/test.xm"

static char _logos_property_key$_ungrouped$UIView$myObj;__attribute__((used)) static NSObject * _logos_method$_ungrouped$UIView$myObj$(UIView* __unused self, SEL __unused _cmd){ return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &_logos_property_key$_ungrouped$UIView$myObj); }__attribute__((used)) static void _logos_method$_ungrouped$UIView$setMyObj$(UIView* __unused self, SEL __unused _cmd, NSObject * arg){ objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &_logos_property_key$_ungrouped$UIView$myObj, arg, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY); }

static __attribute__((constructor)) void _logosLocalInit() {
{Class _logos_class$_ungrouped$UIView = objc_getClass("UIView"); { class_addMethod(_logos_class$_ungrouped$UIView, @selector(myObj), (IMP)&_logos_method$_ungrouped$UIView$myObj$, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s@:", @encode(NSObject *)] UTF8String]);class_addMethod(_logos_class$_ungrouped$UIView, @selector(setMyObj:), (IMP)&_logos_method$_ungrouped$UIView$setMyObj$, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"v@:%s", @encode(NSObject *)] UTF8String]);} } }
#line 6 "/Users/thomasfinch/Downloads/test.xm"

Any other comments?

This happens regardless of the class being hooked, the object type, or the property type.

What versions of software are you using?

Operating System: Mac OS 10.12.3

Toolchain Version: Not quite sure what this means, but using theos commit e94545975dda0c669bbcbed1eba0d7382ba49389 (current master head), clang 800.0.42.1

SDK Version: iOS 10.2 SDK, Xcode 8.2.1

uroboro commented 7 years ago

Hopefully it's as easy as fixing the regex filtering for %properties here /\G%property\s*(?:\((\s*\w+\s*(?:,\s*(?:\w|\=|:)+\s*)*)\))?\s*((?:\w+\s+\**)+)(\w+)\s*;/gc, ((?:\w+\s+\**)+)(\w+) being the main part to change. It might also be beneficial to support more than just \w+ named properties.

This might be a suitable replacement for that part ([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*(?:\s*[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)*(?:\s*\*+)?)\s*(\b[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*+) such that the resulting regex would be /\G%property\s*(?:\((\s*\w+\s*(?:,\s*(?:\w|\=|:)+\s*)*)\))?\s*([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*(?:\s*[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)*(?:\s*\*+)*)\s*(\b[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*+)\s*;/gc. It's awkwardly longer because \w matches [a-zA-Z0-9_] but you can't start symbols with a number so I used [a-zA-Z_$] as first character and [\w$] for the following ($ is a valid character in symbols).

These should match:

%property (retain, getter=string2) NSString *string;
%property NSString *string;
%property NSNumber* number;
%property NSSet * set2;
%property BOOL bool;
%property struct dirent _dir;
%property char **list;
%property char2 **list2;
%property char_3 **list_3;
%property char$4 **list$4;
%property char5$ * *list5$;

While these shouldn't match:

%property 2 broken;
%property 2NSString* string;
%property NSNumber* 2number;
%property 2NSSet* 2set;

To compare, current version vs this version