XXRootViewController.x:28:172: error: expected ')'
static id _logos_meta_method$_ungrouped$NSString$stringWithFormat$(_LOGOS_SELF_TYPE_NORMAL Class _LOGOS_SELF_CONST __unused self, SEL __unused _cmd, NSString * format, ..., ...) {
XXRootViewController.x:28:67: note: to match this '('
static id _logos_meta_method$_ungrouped$NSString$stringWithFormat$(_LOGOS_SELF_TYPE_NORMAL Class _LOGOS_SELF_CONST __unused self, SEL __unused _cmd, NSString * format, ..., ...) {
Obviously there are two , ... at the end of method arg list.
When trying to hook objc variadic method with default configuration(generator=MobileSubstrate),
compilation failed with log:
Obviously there are two
, ...
at the end of method arg list.This PR fix this issue.