theosotr / cynthia

Data-Oriented Differential Testing of ORM Systems.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add command line options #20

Closed StefanosChaliasos closed 4 years ago

StefanosChaliasos commented 4 years ago

Add JSON serializer for AQL

StefanosChaliasos commented 4 years ago

Good job! General comments regarding functionality and CLI.

* When I run `replay` with no options, cynthia does not replay mismatches as expected.

You must specify orms and backends.

* When I run `replay` with `--all`, cynthia does not replay all queries as expected.

You should always specify orms and databases

* When I run `replay` with `--all`, `-s`, and `--mismatches`, cynthia does nothing.

Same here

* When I run `replay` and provide a mismatch that does not exist, cynthia should provide an message informing the user that this mismatch does not exist.

Okay, so we'll return an error in that case?

* Rename `auto` to `test`.


* When I run the `run` command and provide the `.aql` file instead of `.aql.json` file, cynthia does not print any informative message.

I'll update the help message

The following options are not relevant to every sub-command.

When they are not relevant we simply ignore them :)

  -o, --orms <value>       ORMs to differentially test
  -d, --backends <value>   Database backends to store data (Default Value: sqlite)
  -S, --store-matches      Save matches
  --no-combined            Don't generate combined queries
  -r, --records <value>    Number of records to generate for each table