theparksilford / Issues

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Block G and other traders button issue #30

Closed theparksilford closed 2 years ago

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

Property Details

Block G

Contact Details

No response

Type of problem?


Since when this issue started?

Few months

Issue Description?

Many blocks including Block G have traders button which let anyone in at any time. This allows people to come in and smoke drugs or cause general nuisance. please get this fixed, starting with Block G. We should check other blocks too.

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jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

Block G has trades button has now been adjusted accordingly and is fully operational.

I will arrange for the the rest of the communal doors to be checked and adjusted if required.

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

No just checked and it still opens to all. It should have a timing but it works 24/7

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

This has been reported back to the company that previously attended and this will be changed, all communal doors will also be checked and will be adjusted if required.

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

Please provide the update. This is still not fixed.

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

Please update. This is taking forever. We need to get this door fixed.

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

This should now be resolved, please can some one check this later this evening and report back if this is not the case.

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

I checked just now. It’s Sunday 3pm. Should it work? I can press and entered. Will try tomorrow as well.

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

Please try again after 6 o'clock.

I have asked the contractor to attend again to change the timings and also to check the settings.

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

This is still letting me in at 8pm. Surely this is not fixed. Please get this fixed tomorrow as we have enough of people barging in without any regards.

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, I have asked the contractor to attend to this tomorrow.

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

This company have contacted me and have apologized that this is still an issue, they have advised they they will be attending to this over the weekend.

I will follow this up next week.

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

Block G traders button appears to be working. I have asked the residents to confirm it.

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

The contractor has advised me yesterday that this has now been resolved.

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

For block G,looks like the trade button let people in on Saturday. Sunday I checked and it’s fine. also what’s the plan for other blocks? Could you update the list here and when it will be looked at?

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

Please could you advise if the doors works only between the hours of 6am - 11am on either Saturday or Sunday?

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

For block G only?

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

The doors that need the trade button timer set correctly or replaced are blocks: 1-15 68-78 88-78 54-66 30-40 17-27 & the door does not close correctly 181-195 165-179

I have asked the contractor to attend to this, it might be a case of an adjustment to the time clock or if the time clock is no longer working correctly then this may need to be changed.

I will let know when I have a date back from the contractor.

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

For Block G, During weekdays it seems be working fine. Saturday 1:30pm it was tested and was letting people in. Sunday 3pm it was working fine. So could be Saturday not set correctly.

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

Okay I will advise the contractor that attended to this recently to adjust this.

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

This has now been resolved and all the time clock have now been adjusted and work correctly.