theparksilford / Issues

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Dumping by 57 #35

Closed theparksilford closed 2 years ago

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

Property Details

57 blackthorn road

Contact Details

No response

Type of problem?

Bulk Rubbish/Dumping

Since when this issue started?

20 June 2022

Issue Description?

57 is throwing stuff for sometime now. Everytime I remind them, they take it away but this needs to stop. This time they dumped a TV. They said they will take it away but we need to talk to the owner and tell them in strict wording that this cat and mouse needs to stop. Next time we will get this picked up and they will receive £100.


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jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

I have just spoken to the Landlord of this property as this is rented out, the landlord has advised that he will call his tenants and ask that this gets removed right now!

I have advised that bulky items cannot be dumped anywhere on the development as this is deemed as fly tipping and will not be accepted. I have also reminded the landlord to advise the tenant the this is closely monitored with the help of CCTV.

Please let me know if this is not removed soon and I will follow this up.

jeremydoran commented 2 years ago

Please can you confirm if this item has been removed?

theparksilford commented 2 years ago

Well, I just moved the item to their house and they took it in so we can close it now