thephoenixlodge / Heavens-of-Sorcery

Heavens of Sorcery modpack for MC 1.12.2. Developed by thephoenixlodge for ItsLewdicolo
MIT License
12 stars 4 forks source link

Is there a command to complete quests. Several people are stuck without the ability to continue the pack. #119

Open Darkavatar1313 opened 3 years ago

Darkavatar1313 commented 3 years ago

Is there a command to complete or skip quests? Several people here have reported that they cannot continue progress in the pack since a quest will not complete. If there isn't one please consider adding one if you can.


ewanm89 commented 3 years ago

There is currently an issue in Open to LAN worlds where other players don't get advancements, through together forever, this is not an issue on the standalone server.

One can force it, it is just a custom advancement granted through triumph mod and so /advancement command works, that said their are 3 common reasons why it doesn't complete. 1, There is a pre-requisite advancement needed (the book will open a quest on one, but there can be multiple pre-requisites, see advancement panel.

  1. It didn't detect a craft (usually due to shift clicking it in the window), this applies for crafting detects only.
  2. It didn't get the inventory change detect, this is a race condition where the check happens before the item is fully in inventory. Solution in this final case is to put all the items needed in inventory, drop and pick up something else, then quit to menu and back into world.