thephoeron / LLTHW

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Chapter 2.3 too large #14

Open thephoeron opened 9 years ago

thephoeron commented 9 years ago

Chapter 2.3, Objects and Control Flow is too large and unfocused. It would be better to split the control flow exercises out to their own chapter, and the Struct exercises to another, allowing a full chapter entirely focused on CLOS. Chapters on Control Flow and Structs might fit better in Part One.

The single exercise on the Meta-Object Protocol is also deficient; it should serve merely as an introduction to the subject, with an extra credit chapter following immediately after to present MOP in full.

thephoeron commented 9 years ago

Additional notes for this issue—

Migrate to Part 1, separate chapters on:

Expand 2.3 into separate chapters on:

The MOP chapter can be closer to the end of Part Two.