thephpleague / fractal

Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures.
MIT License
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Modernize like it's 1.0 #525

Closed matthewtrask closed 2 years ago

matthewtrask commented 3 years ago

ok so this project has kind of been. It was stable, but not without its issues. But in that time PHP has grown up quite a bit and its time this library gets with the times. This will ultimately result in a 1.0 tag (yay) but it may be painful for the people using 0.19 (or the current version).

While we can't make any promises, we will try to make it as painless as we can

Things on the list:

at one point, we considered moving the serializers out to their own packages, but I fear that would be too much work and easy for a package to fall in disrepair.

matthewtrask commented 3 years ago

add test coverage to the paginators

updating Mockery fixed this.

Insolita commented 2 years ago

What about the progress? Does somebody work on this currently?

cebe commented 2 years ago

@matthewtrask why did you close this? Did the plans change? If so, how? :)