thephpleague / oauth2-server-bundle

Symfony bundle for the OAuth2 Server.
MIT License
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Uncaught PHP Exception Defuse\Crypto\Exception\BadFormatException: "Encoding::hexToBin() input is not a hex string." #181

Closed barbhackk closed 4 months ago

barbhackk commented 4 months ago

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with OAuth Server bundle on symfony. In developement mode it works perfectly but on my server I have an error :

    "class": "Defuse\\Crypto\\Exception\\BadFormatException",
    "message": "Encoding::hexToBin() input is not a hex string.",
    "code": 0,
    "file": "/html/vendor/defuse/php-encryption/src/Encoding.php:66",
    "trace": [

I think it's a problem with encryption_key_type: defuse but I don't understand why in dev it's work, on my Macbook pro and don't work on my server with docker and container with PHP fpm alpine.

Here is my config :


        # Full path to the private key file.
        private_key: '%env(resolve:OAUTH_PRIVATE_KEY)%'

        # Passphrase of the private key, if any
        private_key_passphrase: '%env(resolve:OAUTH_PASSPHRASE)%'

        # The plain string or the ascii safe string used to create a Defuse\Crypto\Key to be used as an encryption key.
        # How to generate an encryption key:
        encryption_key: '%env(resolve:OAUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY)%'

        # The type of value of 'encryption_key'
        encryption_key_type:  defuse # One of "plain"; "defuse"

        # How long the issued access token should be valid for.
        # The value should be a valid interval:
        access_token_ttl:     PT1H

        # How long the issued refresh token should be valid for.
        # The value should be a valid interval:
        refresh_token_ttl:    P1Y

        # How long the issued auth code should be valid for.
        # The value should be a valid interval:
        auth_code_ttl:        PT10M

        # Whether to enable the client credentials grant
        enable_client_credentials_grant: true

        # Whether to enable the password grant
        enable_password_grant: true

        # Whether to enable the refresh token grant
        enable_refresh_token_grant: true

        # Whether to enable the authorization code grant
        enable_auth_code_grant: true

        # Whether to require code challenge for public clients for the auth code grant
        require_code_challenge_for_public_clients: true

        # Whether to enable access token saving to persistence layer (default to true)
        persist_access_token: true


        # Full path to the public key file
        public_key: '%env(resolve:OAUTH_PUBLIC_KEY)%'


        # Scopes that you wish to utilize in your application.
        # This should be a simple array of strings.
        available:               ['read_email']

        # Scopes that will be assigned when no scope given.
        # This should be a simple array of strings.
        default:                 ['read_email']

    # Configures different persistence methods that can be used by the bundle for saving client and token data.
    # Only one persistence method can be configured at a time.

            # Name of the entity manager that you wish to use for managing clients and tokens.
            entity_manager:       default

    # Set a custom prefix that replaces the default 'ROLE_OAUTH2_' role prefix
    role_prefix:          ROLE_OAUTH2_

        # Set a custom client class. Must be a League\Bundle\OAuth2ServerBundle\Model\Client
        classname:        League\Bundle\OAuth2ServerBundle\Model\Client
            in_memory: null

Thanks for your help,


barbhackk commented 4 months ago

If I set encryption_key_type: plain it works perfectly... I don't understand !

barbhackk commented 4 months ago


Sorry I'm a noob in OAuth Server and I just see in the generation of encryption key with this command vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I close this issue.
