thephpleague / omnipay-sagepay

Sage Pay driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library
MIT License
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Server error 5006: Unable to redirect to Vendor's web site. The Vendor failed to provide a RedirectionURL. #197

Open dathwa opened 5 months ago

dathwa commented 5 months ago

Hello All. I know this error can be a bit vague/misleading, but that's what we have. We use Sagepay server and since yesterday, payment started failing. Still on omnipay-sagepay 4.0.1.

"Server error 5006: Unable to redirect to Vendor's web site. The Vendor failed to provide a RedirectionURL."
"HTTP error 500: The request was unsuccessful due to an unexpected condition encountered by the server."

Absolutely mystified. Anyone else?

Out of interest, the data array we post is below... The documentation can be confusing, so we post all of these url handles, hoping one will stick: returnUrl, redirectUrl, RedirectionURL (is it case-sensitive?), failureUrl, notifyUrl Anyone have any clarity on what URLs really work? Would having all of these break the transaction? Thanks in advance for any insight.

    $data = [
            'amount'    => $this->order->total_in_currency,
            'currency'  => $this->order->currency['code'],
            // 'token'     => $this->data['token'],
            'transactionId' => $transactionId,
            'description' => PaymentGatewaySettings::get('sagepay_server_payment_description'),
            'card' => $card,
            'items' => $items,
            'clientIp' => request()->ip(), // protocol 4 addition
            'returnUrl' => $url,
            'redirectUrl' => $url,
            'RedirectionURL' => $url, 
            'failureUrl' => $url,
            'notifyUrl' => $url, // 22/03/2024 - worth a shot?
            // 'Apply3DSecure' => 1, // 1|2|3|4 // protocol 4 addition // 022 : The Authorisation was Declined by the bank. SCA required
                // 'Apply3DSecure' => CreatePayment::APPLY_3D_SECURE_FORCE, this work?. see
                // 'ApplyAVSCV2' => true, // protocol 4 addition
judgej commented 5 months ago

The Omnipay driver uses notifyUrl which is then sent to the gateway as NotificationURL. This documented by Elavon here:

You can also use returnUrl, which is legacy from when the driver was first created. These are all case-sensitive, and any other variations will be ignored.

Since this functionality has not changed in the driver, I would look at the URL itself. Is it fully qualified, is it http or https (both should work, but that may have changed)? Is it upper-case or lower-case? Again should not make a difference, but straws need to be clutched at here. Is is less than 255 characters, and ASCII only?

The documentation says this:

The fully qualified URL (including https:// or https://) that Notification POSTs are sent to.

Notice it says "https://" twice, almost as though somebody has edited out a "http" to "https" with little care. Those little clues are always worth not ignoring.

judgej commented 5 months ago

This error message comes not from the notification URL that you set up in the transaction creation, but in the rediect URL that your notification handler returns to Opayo to tell it where to send the user back to on your website. It is $nextUrl in the notification handler described here:

The handler returns three lines: the status (hopefully "OK") a status message, and the URL to send the user to.

I would recommend you log what comes in on the notification from Opayo, and what you then send back out to Opayo. You may find a clue there, or you may find the notification URL is not actually being called at all, or is returning a 404 or 403 (easily done, especially if you are only allowing certain IP addresses to access that URL - have Opayo recently changed their IP addresss they send the notifications out from?).

Some documentation here:

Opayo say this to help solve your error:

If the above has been checked, or unable to be checked look to the server for possible restrictions that could cause the transaction to encounter errors:

They do not say where to get the list of IP addresses from though, The Sage Pay IP range was

Ferrisbane commented 5 months ago

Hi this might be due to the bug I've created a fix for.

I was also getting an error about redirecting back to vendor. However that was because our server was erroring due to signature verification checks. And therefore was not able to give a url to redirect to.

You might want to copy my fix and test to see if that fixes your issue?

Hopefully my fixes can be merged in before Opayo's cut off date.