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Add some category separators to packages #49

Open Anahkiasen opened 9 years ago

Anahkiasen commented 9 years ago

Homepage is getting crowded and finding packages will get harder as time goes on and more packages join the league. I think it wouldn't hurt if packages were separated in a few generic categories ("API", "Testing", "Utilities" etc)

Anahkiasen commented 9 years ago

Any input on this? With the recent batch of new packages the need for this seems even more visible to me – it's getting harder and harder to even see all packages in one screen without scrolling

reinink commented 9 years ago

Hey @Anahkiasen, I think this is a good idea, although I honestly don't know how well the packages will break up into categories. They are all pretty different in nature, so while a few might be able to be grouped, we might find that there are just too many categories...and at that point we haven't solved anything.

I'm too busy to do this right now, but if you wanted to give a try at categorizing them here in this issue, that might help us determine how feasible this is.

Oh and thanks for your interest in the League! :)

Anahkiasen commented 9 years ago

I think the only approach that can work is to have only categories for packages that can be grouped together, and leave the rest of the packages uncategorized until enough packages of the same kind join the League. Basically just add table separators to the main "package table" sort of like that:

screenshot 2015-03-03 22 36 24

I'm not sure about the categories yet because per example while Fractal does apply to API development it can't be reduced just to that.

I also thought about maybe a "Third party" category for packages whose only role is to interact with a third party technology/service/etc (Monga, Statsd, Squery, Omnipay).

I'm not sure if it'd be possible to group the most "low level" packages together and under what name. By low-level I mean the ones you can build a small application with, namely: Container, Plates, Route, URL etc. You know, the basics.

I guess more input from other people would be welcome on the actual categories, but at least with this approach it'd still be possible to have most of the packages uncategorised while still having the possibility to group the common ones together, to bring more visibility to one another.

reinink commented 9 years ago

This is pretty cool. You might just have something here. Again, I don't have the time to work more on this at the moment, but let's keep this issue open and I'll come back to it sometime soon. Thanks again for putting some initial legwork into this! Hopefully others will give some input as well.

Anahkiasen commented 9 years ago

Small precision just in case, I didn't add any styles or anything, the separators are just reuse of the current header classes:

<li class="headers">
    <div class="name">
            API Developpment