therealadityashankar / codeVideo

a nice wrapper over editly for easily creating videos
2 stars 1 forks source link

write a wrapper on top of this wrapper/heavily modify this wrapper #4

Open therealadityashankar opened 3 years ago

therealadityashankar commented 3 years ago

I feel like the interface should be more user friendly and time based


const video = new CoolVideo()

// add sync "in a flow"
video.add(new ColorClip("Image", {seconds : 10}))
video.add(new Audio(...))

// add async
video.add(new Image("./path/to/image", {
   async: {
       at : 70 // seconds

something like that

therealadityashankar commented 3 years ago

so I think the way I can do this is by combining howlerjs and editly, essentially split the audio and video initially, and then only do canvas based rendering and howlerjs based rendering