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Combine autoanalyze and apkdl #185

Open therealchjones opened 2 years ago

therealchjones commented 2 years ago

This also allows getting the version for apkdl since it would be extracted by autoanalyze anyway. e.g.:

autoanalyze [-v [-v]] [ -d | -i input ] [ -o output_dir ]
autoanalyze [-v [-v]] -D
autoanalyze -h

      -v                verbose etc
      -d                obtain the latest apks by downloading them rather than using local versions
      -D                only download the latest apks; do not perform any analysis (may not include version in directory name)
      -i input          use local apk named input or in the directory input rather than in the current directory
      -o output_dir     put resulting files in the directory output_dir rather than ./autoanalyze-version
therealchjones commented 2 years ago

Probably just include them in mffer instead