therealglazou / webbook

WebBook specification
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identifying resources as being part of a webbook #13

Open dauwhe opened 6 years ago

dauwhe commented 6 years ago

If you follow a link to a resource of a webbook (besides the directory or index.html), is there any way a user agent could determine that the resource is part of a webbook?

Should all resources of a webbook have a rel=contents or rel=index link to index.html?

therealglazou commented 6 years ago

@dauwhe : @frivoal discussed it a bit and yes, we would like to leverage the link/rel mechanism that went so much under the radars. That said, I have a corollary question: a link will help finding the navigation document but do we need to indicate clearly this is part of a webbook?

dauwhe commented 6 years ago

@therealglazou It would be great if resources could identify themselves as being part of a webbook. This would allow the user agent or script to provide a reading experience better suited to webbooks, even if the user didn't start from the canonical URL.

frivoal commented 6 years ago

For reference:

From these, I think the best is probably rel=toc (from microformats), although rel=up from MDN may be OK as well.

I wonder how well established these are.

therealglazou commented 6 years ago

Could PR #15 be an answer to this issue?