therealmeyer / SonicStratus

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SonicStratus proposal feedback #1

Open AAlfarho opened 6 years ago

AAlfarho commented 6 years ago

Great job with the proposal, there are only a couple of details we need to address. Lets address them ASAP.

Wiki Page Home

MVP List


Having a time estimate is incredibly important as not only will it help us estimate the amount of work and distribute our load across the days but also help us keep in track throughout the project.

Database Schema


Great job on the database schema, having a solid schema will help us avoid redesign that will impact the whole application.


Sample State

Component Hierarchy with Wireframes


Great job here, lets consolidate both, component hierarchy and wireframes together, that way in a single look we can get access to all the information we need.

therealmeyer commented 6 years ago

Completed tasks, still unsure about search component, will become more clear as project moves forward