therebelrobot / countryjs

[unmaintained] A module for returning data about countries, ISO info and states/provinces within them. Browserify-compatible
120 stars 88 forks source link

v2 release - Country rebuild - ISOs missing, countries not accurate #19

Open moimikey opened 9 years ago

moimikey commented 9 years ago

there's a lot of undefined ISOs. Some of which actually do have ISO codes like U.S. Virgin Islands which has an ISO3 of VIR. out of curiosity, i'm sure you generate these somehow?

{ '2': 'AF', '3': 'AFG', alpha2: 'AF', alpha3: 'AFG' }
{ '2': 'AL', '3': 'ALB', alpha2: 'AL', alpha3: 'ALB' }
{ '2': 'DZ', '3': 'DZA', alpha2: 'DZ', alpha3: 'DZA' }
{ '2': 'AS', '3': 'ASM', alpha2: 'AS', alpha3: 'ASM' }
{ '2': 'AO', '3': 'AGO', alpha2: 'AO', alpha3: 'AGO' }
{ '2': 'AI', '3': 'AIA', alpha2: 'AI', alpha3: 'AIA' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'AG', '3': 'ATG', alpha2: 'AG', alpha3: 'ATG' }
{ '2': 'AR', '3': 'ARG', alpha2: 'AR', alpha3: 'ARG' }
{ '2': 'AM', '3': 'ARM', alpha2: 'AM', alpha3: 'ARM' }
{ '2': 'AW', '3': 'ABW', alpha2: 'AW', alpha3: 'ABW' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'AU', '3': 'AUS', alpha2: 'AU', alpha3: 'AUS' }
{ '2': 'AT', '3': 'AUT', alpha2: 'AT', alpha3: 'AUT' }
{ '2': 'AZ', '3': 'AZE', alpha2: 'AZ', alpha3: 'AZE' }
{ '2': 'BS', '3': 'BHS', alpha2: 'BS', alpha3: 'BHS' }
{ '2': 'BH', '3': 'BHR', alpha2: 'BH', alpha3: 'BHR' }
{ '2': 'BD', '3': 'BGD', alpha2: 'BD', alpha3: 'BGD' }
{ '2': 'BB', '3': 'BRB', alpha2: 'BB', alpha3: 'BRB' }
{ '2': 'BY', '3': 'BLR', alpha2: 'BY', alpha3: 'BLR' }
{ '2': 'BE', '3': 'BEL', alpha2: 'BE', alpha3: 'BEL' }
{ '2': 'BZ', '3': 'BLZ', alpha2: 'BZ', alpha3: 'BLZ' }
{ '2': 'BJ', '3': 'BEN', alpha2: 'BJ', alpha3: 'BEN' }
{ '2': 'BM', '3': 'BMU', alpha2: 'BM', alpha3: 'BMU' }
{ '2': 'BT', '3': 'BTN', alpha2: 'BT', alpha3: 'BTN' }
{ '2': 'BO', '3': 'BOL', alpha2: 'BO', alpha3: 'BOL' }
{ '2': 'BA', '3': 'BIH', alpha2: 'BA', alpha3: 'BIH' }
{ '2': 'BW', '3': 'BWA', alpha2: 'BW', alpha3: 'BWA' }
{ '2': 'BR', '3': 'BRA', alpha2: 'BR', alpha3: 'BRA' }
{ '2': 'IO', '3': 'IOT', alpha2: 'IO', alpha3: 'IOT' }
{ '2': 'BN', '3': 'BRN', alpha2: 'BN', alpha3: 'BRN' }
{ '2': 'BG', '3': 'BGR', alpha2: 'BG', alpha3: 'BGR' }
{ '2': 'BF', '3': 'BFA', alpha2: 'BF', alpha3: 'BFA' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'BI', '3': 'BDI', alpha2: 'BI', alpha3: 'BDI' }
{ '2': 'KH', '3': 'KHM', alpha2: 'KH', alpha3: 'KHM' }
{ '2': 'CM', '3': 'CMR', alpha2: 'CM', alpha3: 'CMR' }
{ '2': 'CA', '3': 'CAN', alpha2: 'CA', alpha3: 'CAN' }
{ '2': 'CV', '3': 'CPV', alpha2: 'CV', alpha3: 'CPV' }
{ '2': 'KY', '3': 'CYM', alpha2: 'KY', alpha3: 'CYM' }
{ '2': 'CF', '3': 'CAF', alpha2: 'CF', alpha3: 'CAF' }
{ '2': 'TD', '3': 'TCD', alpha2: 'TD', alpha3: 'TCD' }
{ '2': 'CL', '3': 'CHL', alpha2: 'CL', alpha3: 'CHL' }
{ '2': 'CN', '3': 'CHN', alpha2: 'CN', alpha3: 'CHN' }
{ '2': 'CX', '3': 'CXR', alpha2: 'CX', alpha3: 'CXR' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'CC', '3': 'CCK', alpha2: 'CC', alpha3: 'CCK' }
{ '2': 'CO', '3': 'COL', alpha2: 'CO', alpha3: 'COL' }
{ '2': 'KM', '3': 'COM', alpha2: 'KM', alpha3: 'COM' }
{ '2': 'CG', '3': 'COG', alpha2: 'CG', alpha3: 'COG' }
{ '2': 'CD', '3': 'COD', alpha2: 'CD', alpha3: 'COD' }
{ '2': 'CK', '3': 'COK', alpha2: 'CK', alpha3: 'COK' }
{ '2': 'CR', '3': 'CRI', alpha2: 'CR', alpha3: 'CRI' }
{ '2': 'CI', '3': 'CIV', alpha2: 'CI', alpha3: 'CIV' }
{ '2': 'HR', '3': 'HRV', alpha2: 'HR', alpha3: 'HRV' }
{ '2': 'CU', '3': 'CUB', alpha2: 'CU', alpha3: 'CUB' }
{ '2': 'CY', '3': 'CYP', alpha2: 'CY', alpha3: 'CYP' }
{ '2': 'CZ', '3': 'CZE', alpha2: 'CZ', alpha3: 'CZE' }
{ '2': 'DK', '3': 'DNK', alpha2: 'DK', alpha3: 'DNK' }
{ '2': 'DJ', '3': 'DJI', alpha2: 'DJ', alpha3: 'DJI' }
{ '2': 'DM', '3': 'DMA', alpha2: 'DM', alpha3: 'DMA' }
{ '2': 'DO', '3': 'DOM', alpha2: 'DO', alpha3: 'DOM' }
{ '2': 'EC', '3': 'ECU', alpha2: 'EC', alpha3: 'ECU' }
{ '2': 'EG', '3': 'EGY', alpha2: 'EG', alpha3: 'EGY' }
{ '2': 'SV', '3': 'SLV', alpha2: 'SV', alpha3: 'SLV' }
{ '2': 'GQ', '3': 'GNQ', alpha2: 'GQ', alpha3: 'GNQ' }
{ '2': 'ER', '3': 'ERI', alpha2: 'ER', alpha3: 'ERI' }
{ '2': 'EE', '3': 'EST', alpha2: 'EE', alpha3: 'EST' }
{ '2': 'ET', '3': 'ETH', alpha2: 'ET', alpha3: 'ETH' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'FK', '3': 'FLK', alpha2: 'FK', alpha3: 'FLK' }
{ '2': 'FO', '3': 'FRO', alpha2: 'FO', alpha3: 'FRO' }
{ '2': 'FJ', '3': 'FJI', alpha2: 'FJ', alpha3: 'FJI' }
{ '2': 'FI', '3': 'FIN', alpha2: 'FI', alpha3: 'FIN' }
{ '2': 'FR', '3': 'FRA', alpha2: 'FR', alpha3: 'FRA' }
{ '2': 'GF', '3': 'GUF', alpha2: 'GF', alpha3: 'GUF' }
{ '2': 'PF', '3': 'PYF', alpha2: 'PF', alpha3: 'PYF' }
{ '2': 'TF', '3': 'ATF', alpha2: 'TF', alpha3: 'ATF' }
{ '2': 'GA', '3': 'GAB', alpha2: 'GA', alpha3: 'GAB' }
{ '2': 'GM', '3': 'GMB', alpha2: 'GM', alpha3: 'GMB' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'GE', '3': 'GEO', alpha2: 'GE', alpha3: 'GEO' }
{ '2': 'DE', '3': 'DEU', alpha2: 'DE', alpha3: 'DEU' }
{ '2': 'GH', '3': 'GHA', alpha2: 'GH', alpha3: 'GHA' }
{ '2': 'GI', '3': 'GIB', alpha2: 'GI', alpha3: 'GIB' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'GR', '3': 'GRC', alpha2: 'GR', alpha3: 'GRC' }
{ '2': 'GL', '3': 'GRL', alpha2: 'GL', alpha3: 'GRL' }
{ '2': 'GD', '3': 'GRD', alpha2: 'GD', alpha3: 'GRD' }
{ '2': 'GP', '3': 'GLP', alpha2: 'GP', alpha3: 'GLP' }
{ '2': 'GU', '3': 'GUM', alpha2: 'GU', alpha3: 'GUM' }
{ '2': 'GT', '3': 'GTM', alpha2: 'GT', alpha3: 'GTM' }
{ '2': 'GG', '3': 'GGY', alpha2: 'GG', alpha3: 'GGY' }
{ '2': 'GN', '3': 'GIN', alpha2: 'GN', alpha3: 'GIN' }
{ '2': 'GW', '3': 'GNB', alpha2: 'GW', alpha3: 'GNB' }
{ '2': 'GY', '3': 'GUY', alpha2: 'GY', alpha3: 'GUY' }
{ '2': 'HT', '3': 'HTI', alpha2: 'HT', alpha3: 'HTI' }
{ '2': 'HM', '3': 'HMD', alpha2: 'HM', alpha3: 'HMD' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'HN', '3': 'HND', alpha2: 'HN', alpha3: 'HND' }
{ '2': 'HK', '3': 'HKG', alpha2: 'HK', alpha3: 'HKG' }
{ '2': 'HU', '3': 'HUN', alpha2: 'HU', alpha3: 'HUN' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'IS', '3': 'ISL', alpha2: 'IS', alpha3: 'ISL' }
{ '2': 'IN', '3': 'IND', alpha2: 'IN', alpha3: 'IND' }
{ '2': 'ID', '3': 'IDN', alpha2: 'ID', alpha3: 'IDN' }
{ '2': 'IR', '3': 'IRN', alpha2: 'IR', alpha3: 'IRN' }
{ '2': 'IQ', '3': 'IRQ', alpha2: 'IQ', alpha3: 'IRQ' }
{ '2': 'IE', '3': 'IRL', alpha2: 'IE', alpha3: 'IRL' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'IL', '3': 'ISR', alpha2: 'IL', alpha3: 'ISR' }
{ '2': 'IT', '3': 'ITA', alpha2: 'IT', alpha3: 'ITA' }
{ '2': 'JM', '3': 'JAM', alpha2: 'JM', alpha3: 'JAM' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'JP', '3': 'JPN', alpha2: 'JP', alpha3: 'JPN' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'JE', '3': 'JEY', alpha2: 'JE', alpha3: 'JEY' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'JO', '3': 'JOR', alpha2: 'JO', alpha3: 'JOR' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'KZ', '3': 'KAZ', alpha2: 'KZ', alpha3: 'KAZ' }
{ '2': 'KE', '3': 'KEN', alpha2: 'KE', alpha3: 'KEN' }
{ '2': 'KI', '3': 'KIR', alpha2: 'KI', alpha3: 'KIR' }
{ '2': 'KP', '3': 'PRK', alpha2: 'KP', alpha3: 'PRK' }
{ '2': 'KR', '3': 'KOR', alpha2: 'KR', alpha3: 'KOR' }
{ '2': 'KW', '3': 'KWT', alpha2: 'KW', alpha3: 'KWT' }
{ '2': 'KG', '3': 'KGZ', alpha2: 'KG', alpha3: 'KGZ' }
{ '2': 'LA', '3': 'LAO', alpha2: 'LA', alpha3: 'LAO' }
{ '2': 'LV', '3': 'LVA', alpha2: 'LV', alpha3: 'LVA' }
{ '2': 'LB', '3': 'LBN', alpha2: 'LB', alpha3: 'LBN' }
{ '2': 'LS', '3': 'LSO', alpha2: 'LS', alpha3: 'LSO' }
{ '2': 'LR', '3': 'LBR', alpha2: 'LR', alpha3: 'LBR' }
{ '2': 'LY', '3': 'LBY', alpha2: 'LY', alpha3: 'LBY' }
{ '2': 'LI', '3': 'LIE', alpha2: 'LI', alpha3: 'LIE' }
{ '2': 'LT', '3': 'LTU', alpha2: 'LT', alpha3: 'LTU' }
{ '2': 'LU', '3': 'LUX', alpha2: 'LU', alpha3: 'LUX' }
{ '2': 'MO', '3': 'MAC', alpha2: 'MO', alpha3: 'MAC' }
{ '2': 'MK', '3': 'MKD', alpha2: 'MK', alpha3: 'MKD' }
{ '2': 'MG', '3': 'MDG', alpha2: 'MG', alpha3: 'MDG' }
{ '2': 'MW', '3': 'MWI', alpha2: 'MW', alpha3: 'MWI' }
{ '2': 'MY', '3': 'MYS', alpha2: 'MY', alpha3: 'MYS' }
{ '2': 'MV', '3': 'MDV', alpha2: 'MV', alpha3: 'MDV' }
{ '2': 'ML', '3': 'MLI', alpha2: 'ML', alpha3: 'MLI' }
{ '2': 'MT', '3': 'MLT', alpha2: 'MT', alpha3: 'MLT' }
{ '2': 'IM', '3': 'IMN', alpha2: 'IM', alpha3: 'IMN' }
{ '2': 'MH', '3': 'MHL', alpha2: 'MH', alpha3: 'MHL' }
{ '2': 'MQ', '3': 'MTQ', alpha2: 'MQ', alpha3: 'MTQ' }
{ '2': 'MR', '3': 'MRT', alpha2: 'MR', alpha3: 'MRT' }
{ '2': 'MU', '3': 'MUS', alpha2: 'MU', alpha3: 'MUS' }
{ '2': 'YT', '3': 'MYT', alpha2: 'YT', alpha3: 'MYT' }
{ '2': 'MX', '3': 'MEX', alpha2: 'MX', alpha3: 'MEX' }
{ '2': 'FM', '3': 'FSM', alpha2: 'FM', alpha3: 'FSM' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'MD', '3': 'MDA', alpha2: 'MD', alpha3: 'MDA' }
{ '2': 'MC', '3': 'MCO', alpha2: 'MC', alpha3: 'MCO' }
{ '2': 'MN', '3': 'MNG', alpha2: 'MN', alpha3: 'MNG' }
{ '2': 'MS', '3': 'MSR', alpha2: 'MS', alpha3: 'MSR' }
{ '2': 'MA', '3': 'MAR', alpha2: 'MA', alpha3: 'MAR' }
{ '2': 'MZ', '3': 'MOZ', alpha2: 'MZ', alpha3: 'MOZ' }
{ '2': 'NA', '3': 'NAM', alpha2: 'NA', alpha3: 'NAM' }
{ '2': 'NR', '3': 'NRU', alpha2: 'NR', alpha3: 'NRU' }
{ '2': 'NP', '3': 'NPL', alpha2: 'NP', alpha3: 'NPL' }
{ '2': 'NL', '3': 'NLD', alpha2: 'NL', alpha3: 'NLD' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'NC', '3': 'NCL', alpha2: 'NC', alpha3: 'NCL' }
{ '2': 'NZ', '3': 'NZL', alpha2: 'NZ', alpha3: 'NZL' }
{ '2': 'NI', '3': 'NIC', alpha2: 'NI', alpha3: 'NIC' }
{ '2': 'NE', '3': 'NER', alpha2: 'NE', alpha3: 'NER' }
{ '2': 'NG', '3': 'NGA', alpha2: 'NG', alpha3: 'NGA' }
{ '2': 'NU', '3': 'NIU', alpha2: 'NU', alpha3: 'NIU' }
{ '2': 'NF', '3': 'NFK', alpha2: 'NF', alpha3: 'NFK' }
{ '2': 'MP', '3': 'MNP', alpha2: 'MP', alpha3: 'MNP' }
{ '2': 'NO', '3': 'NOR', alpha2: 'NO', alpha3: 'NOR' }
{ '2': 'OM', '3': 'OMN', alpha2: 'OM', alpha3: 'OMN' }
{ '2': 'PK', '3': 'PAK', alpha2: 'PK', alpha3: 'PAK' }
{ '2': 'PW', '3': 'PLW', alpha2: 'PW', alpha3: 'PLW' }
{ '2': 'PA', '3': 'PAN', alpha2: 'PA', alpha3: 'PAN' }
{ '2': 'PG', '3': 'PNG', alpha2: 'PG', alpha3: 'PNG' }
{ '2': 'PY', '3': 'PRY', alpha2: 'PY', alpha3: 'PRY' }
{ '2': 'PE', '3': 'PER', alpha2: 'PE', alpha3: 'PER' }
{ '2': 'PH', '3': 'PHL', alpha2: 'PH', alpha3: 'PHL' }
{ '2': 'PN', '3': 'PCN', alpha2: 'PN', alpha3: 'PCN' }
{ '2': 'PL', '3': 'POL', alpha2: 'PL', alpha3: 'POL' }
{ '2': 'PT', '3': 'PRT', alpha2: 'PT', alpha3: 'PRT' }
{ '2': 'PR', '3': 'PRI', alpha2: 'PR', alpha3: 'PRI' }
{ '2': 'QA', '3': 'QAT', alpha2: 'QA', alpha3: 'QAT' }
{ '2': 'RE', '3': 'REU', alpha2: 'RE', alpha3: 'REU' }
{ '2': 'RO', '3': 'ROU', alpha2: 'RO', alpha3: 'ROU' }
{ '2': 'RU', '3': 'RUS', alpha2: 'RU', alpha3: 'RUS' }
{ '2': 'RW', '3': 'RWA', alpha2: 'RW', alpha3: 'RWA' }
{ '2': 'SH', '3': 'SHN', alpha2: 'SH', alpha3: 'SHN' }
{ '2': 'KN', '3': 'KNA', alpha2: 'KN', alpha3: 'KNA' }
{ '2': 'LC', '3': 'LCA', alpha2: 'LC', alpha3: 'LCA' }
{ '2': 'PM', '3': 'SPM', alpha2: 'PM', alpha3: 'SPM' }
{ '2': 'VC', '3': 'VCT', alpha2: 'VC', alpha3: 'VCT' }
{ '2': 'WS', '3': 'WSM', alpha2: 'WS', alpha3: 'WSM' }
{ '2': 'SM', '3': 'SMR', alpha2: 'SM', alpha3: 'SMR' }
{ '2': 'ST', '3': 'STP', alpha2: 'ST', alpha3: 'STP' }
{ '2': 'SA', '3': 'SAU', alpha2: 'SA', alpha3: 'SAU' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'SN', '3': 'SEN', alpha2: 'SN', alpha3: 'SEN' }
{ '2': 'SC', '3': 'SYC', alpha2: 'SC', alpha3: 'SYC' }
{ '2': 'SL', '3': 'SLE', alpha2: 'SL', alpha3: 'SLE' }
{ '2': 'SG', '3': 'SGP', alpha2: 'SG', alpha3: 'SGP' }
{ '2': 'SK', '3': 'SVK', alpha2: 'SK', alpha3: 'SVK' }
{ '2': 'SI', '3': 'SVN', alpha2: 'SI', alpha3: 'SVN' }
{ '2': 'SB', '3': 'SLB', alpha2: 'SB', alpha3: 'SLB' }
{ '2': 'SO', '3': 'SOM', alpha2: 'SO', alpha3: 'SOM' }
{ '2': 'ZA', '3': 'ZAF', alpha2: 'ZA', alpha3: 'ZAF' }
{ '2': 'GS', '3': 'SGS', alpha2: 'GS', alpha3: 'SGS' }
{ '2': 'SS', '3': 'SSD', alpha2: 'SS', alpha3: 'SSD' }
{ '2': 'ES', '3': 'ESP', alpha2: 'ES', alpha3: 'ESP' }
{ '2': 'LK', '3': 'LKA', alpha2: 'LK', alpha3: 'LKA' }
{ '2': 'SD', '3': 'SDN', alpha2: 'SD', alpha3: 'SDN' }
{ '2': 'SR', '3': 'SUR', alpha2: 'SR', alpha3: 'SUR' }
{ '2': 'SJ', '3': 'SJM', alpha2: 'SJ', alpha3: 'SJM' }
{ '2': 'SZ', '3': 'SWZ', alpha2: 'SZ', alpha3: 'SWZ' }
{ '2': 'SE', '3': 'SWE', alpha2: 'SE', alpha3: 'SWE' }
{ '2': 'CH', '3': 'CHE', alpha2: 'CH', alpha3: 'CHE' }
{ '2': 'SY', '3': 'SYR', alpha2: 'SY', alpha3: 'SYR' }
{ '2': 'TW', '3': 'TWN', alpha2: 'TW', alpha3: 'TWN' }
{ '2': 'TJ', '3': 'TJK', alpha2: 'TJ', alpha3: 'TJK' }
{ '2': 'TZ', '3': 'TZA', alpha2: 'TZ', alpha3: 'TZA' }
{ '2': 'TH', '3': 'THA', alpha2: 'TH', alpha3: 'THA' }
{ '2': 'TL', '3': 'TLS', alpha2: 'TL', alpha3: 'TLS' }
{ '2': 'TG', '3': 'TGO', alpha2: 'TG', alpha3: 'TGO' }
{ '2': 'TK', '3': 'TKL', alpha2: 'TK', alpha3: 'TKL' }
{ '2': 'TO', '3': 'TON', alpha2: 'TO', alpha3: 'TON' }
{ '2': 'TT', '3': 'TTO', alpha2: 'TT', alpha3: 'TTO' }
{ '2': 'TN', '3': 'TUN', alpha2: 'TN', alpha3: 'TUN' }
{ '2': 'TR', '3': 'TUR', alpha2: 'TR', alpha3: 'TUR' }
{ '2': 'TM', '3': 'TKM', alpha2: 'TM', alpha3: 'TKM' }
{ '2': 'TV', '3': 'TUV', alpha2: 'TV', alpha3: 'TUV' }
{ '2': 'UG', '3': 'UGA', alpha2: 'UG', alpha3: 'UGA' }
{ '2': 'UA', '3': 'UKR', alpha2: 'UA', alpha3: 'UKR' }
{ '2': 'AE', '3': 'ARE', alpha2: 'AE', alpha3: 'ARE' }
{ '2': 'GB', '3': 'GBR', alpha2: 'GB', alpha3: 'GBR' }
{ '2': 'US', '3': 'USA', alpha2: 'US', alpha3: 'USA' }
{ '2': 'UY', '3': 'URY', alpha2: 'UY', alpha3: 'URY' }
{ '2': 'UZ', '3': 'UZB', alpha2: 'UZ', alpha3: 'UZB' }
{ '2': 'VU', '3': 'VUT', alpha2: 'VU', alpha3: 'VUT' }
{ '2': 'VE', '3': 'VEN', alpha2: 'VE', alpha3: 'VEN' }
{ '2': 'VN', '3': 'VNM', alpha2: 'VN', alpha3: 'VNM' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'WF', '3': 'WLF', alpha2: 'WF', alpha3: 'WLF' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'EH', '3': 'ESH', alpha2: 'EH', alpha3: 'ESH' }
{ '2': 'YE', '3': 'YEM', alpha2: 'YE', alpha3: 'YEM' }
{ '2': undefined, '3': undefined }
{ '2': 'ZM', '3': 'ZMB', alpha2: 'ZM', alpha3: 'ZMB' }
{ '2': 'ZW', '3': 'ZWE', alpha2: 'ZW', alpha3: 'ZWE' }
therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

There were a few different sources I pulled from, one from this super old php script I found, another from an open API that I queried. There are gaps in them for sure, but sadly those would need to be corrected manually.

moimikey commented 9 years ago

popsicles. in the interim then, i can manually populate the missing ones, and then when there's some free time for myself this week, I can perhaps make a small node script to pull down and re-generate the json files. thanks!

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your help with this. Been less active on my OSS projects as I would like to be, hoping to change that this week. If you've got a lot of stuff you'd like to play with, and if you're interested, I could give you contrib access to this project. I'll double check with the other Growmies of course, but your work so far has been pretty solid.

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

Also, PR merged, lemme know if/when you have a rebuild script for the data. I'll also try to track down the original build script I used.

moimikey commented 9 years ago

for sure. i'm trying to be more active myself and not be so lazy i'd be more than interested to continue contributing! :+1:

i started working on a node script for it and am creating a list of good sources to grab each data point from. i technically could just scrape wikipedia, but i'll tack that onto my list for now and find the fewest sources to get all the data that's already present.


therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

I had found a country API through Mashape that was good for most of them (probably where I got the Yugoslavia issue from), and I had made a looping scraper off that for most of it. The states... I'm trying to remember. I think that one was the PHP script. I'll look into it further.

I'm heading over to the Grow HQ today, I'll ask about getting you added as a fully permissioned contrib. In the meantime, I added you to the package.json and the README :) So if nothing else you get the illustrious fame for working on this ;)


moimikey commented 9 years ago

I've come to realize how nutty ISO 3166 is :astonished:

awesomesauce! I've been enjoying trying to be more contributory (this actually is a word). I was sitting around trying to pick something to contribute to, but realizing that it was more natural contributing to something I'm actually using. that's the point then I suppose :P

I feel like David Bowie now. Thanks :heart_eyes:

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

Lol. Got the LGTM from @hillmanov, added you to the open source group with Growmies, which should give you push access to this repo. I'm still looking through your bulkify change and will merge that once I've done more testing, but if you want to make contributions in the future, just open a new branch on this and when you're ready, PR it in. :) Thanks again for your help.

moimikey commented 9 years ago

great, will do! anytime; thanks for allowing me to! :heart_eyes_cat:

i haven't seen many lgtm gifs. i have a growing directory of reaction gifs. my absolute favorite out of all of them though... which I find hilarious, but not many people might?


therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

Lol. love it :+1:

moimikey commented 9 years ago

@therebelrobot i'm not dead :) just been busy with worky-work. found this:

and I started working on a scraper for an alternative source. will repurpose it for fetch this.

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

Not to worry, @moimikey. We've all got day jobs, and unless we get a company who is invested in this to pay for our work on it, we'll both be hitting it in our free time.

That repo looks spectacular! Definitely a good resource. If there is somewhere you want help on this, lemme know, I can hop in and assist. I appreciate your interest in this though. This is how open source soars :D

moimikey commented 9 years ago

true true

yeah, it seems like an extremely up to date resource. since they offer so much, we can just takeaway the bits that will promote non-breaking change. and yes, totally. open source is beneficial to everyone including yourself.

moimikey commented 9 years ago

@therebelrobot so here is my initial attempt so far. there's a couple of data issues that i'll just need to address. i may want go re-write this in es7 so i can get async/await which would be nice... especially for the multiple sources (which is where the initial data trouble is)

let me know your thoughts!

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

I love the script. It seems to be pretty solid (and informed me of some modules I've never seen before and am excited to try out). Did you run the output code through tests?

As for province list and time zones, I'll do some digging this week and see if I can't find a good resource for finding those.

moimikey commented 9 years ago

at the moment it just outputs it in a single json, but i can tweak it to output it into each individual json and then will run it through the tests and get back to ya :D

i've been getting obsessed with streams!

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

Hey @moimikey what's the status on your work with this? Growmies just transferred full ownership of this repo to me, so I wanted to get a better handle on what the status was on open issues.

moimikey commented 9 years ago

@therebelrobot hey you :) i can issue a PR tonight with the generator script. i ended up completing it.

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

Coolcool. Let me know when you want me to review it, and I'll hop right in.

moimikey commented 9 years ago

fer sure! i started revising it again. here's the checklist of what I need to finish for data points:

for population, do you feel that it's a bit ambiguous to have a number set, but there isn't any information regarding at what point in time that population was valid? is it worth 86ing this? or should it be expanded and instead of being a Number, be an Object:

2004: 1000,
2005: 2122,
2006: 5323,
2013: 75000

but that would just infinitely grow. thoughts?

16:23:00 michaelhertzberg@Michaels-MacBook-Pro.local countryjs master ? ./bin/generate
{ name: 'United States',
  altSpellings: [ 'US', 'USA', 'United States of America' ],
  area: 9372610,
  borders: [ 'CAN', 'MEX' ],
  callingCodes: [ '1' ],
  capital: 'Washington D.C.',
  currencies: [Function: Array],
  demonym: 'American',
  flag: [Function: String],
  geoJSON: [Function: Object],
  ISO: { alpha2: 'US', alpha3: 'USA' },
  languages: [Function: Array],
  latlng: [ 38, -97 ],
  nativeName: [Function: String],
  population: [Function: Number],
  provinces: [Function: Array],
  region: 'Americas',
  subregion: 'Northern America',
  timezones: [Function: Array],
  tld: [ '.us' ],
  translations: [Function: Object],
  wiki: [Function: String] }

prelim test code below..

!/usr/bin/env node

var hyperquest = require('hyperquest')
var through2   = require('through2')

  .pipe(through2.obj(function(chunk, enc, cb) {
    var data = JSON.parse(chunk)
      altSpellings: data.altSpellings,
      area: data.area,
      borders: data.borders,
      callingCodes: data.callingCode,
      currencies: Array,
      demonym: data.demonym,
      flag: String,
      geoJSON: Object,
      ISO: {
        alpha2: data.cca2,
        alpha3: data.cca3,
      languages: Array,   /* languages: { eng: 'English' } ---> to array? different data source? */
      latlng: data.latlng,
      nativeName: String,
      population: Number,
      provinces: Array,
      region: data.region,
      subregion: data.subregion,
      timezones: Array,
      tld: data.tld,
      translations: Object,
      wiki: String
  .on('data', function(data) {
therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

for population, do you feel that it's a bit ambiguous to have a number set, but there isn't any information regarding at what point in time that population was valid? is it worth 86ing this? or should it be expanded and instead of being a Number, be an Object:

2004: 1000,
2005: 2122,
2006: 5323,
2013: 75000

but that would just infinitely grow. thoughts?

IMO, the more exact the data, the better. If you have the years/populations, let's make an API change and add those in.

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

Hey @moimikey, I'm gonna take a look today at trying to push out a release for this. Sorry for being AWOL for so long myself, been working on moving to california.

I'm gonna start with the code you listed above for building the objects, and I'll place the build script into the release/v2.0.0-alpha branch for now.

moimikey commented 9 years ago

All good Trent! I'm on a cruise for the next week. Got a local branch I have yet to push.. Curious about that new open but with GB. Good luck with the move!!

Sent using CloudMagic [] On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Trent Oswald wrote: Hey @moimikey [] , I'm gonna take a look today at trying to push out a release for this. Sorry for being AWOL for so long myself, been working on moving to california.

I'm gonna start with the code you listed above for building the objects, and I'll place the build script into the release/v2.0.0-alpha branch for now.

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therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

So I ended up pushing the initial work into feature/19-country-rebuild, thinking about a complete integration with, adding in the additional stuff like provinces and wikis. I'll keep refining it as the week goes on.

therebelrobot commented 9 years ago

So for this next release, I want to add in state short codes, where available. Refer #28. Here's a link to the list linked there:

tamagokun commented 8 years ago

@therebelrobot any progress with state short codes? Need help?

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

Hey @tamagokun! I'd love additional help on this, for sure! I also wanted to wrap in the API change for #35 as well (return all results in an array), but haven't slowed down enough to get it done. If you have the bandwidth, I'd be happy to add you as a collaborator to work on it (so long as you work in feature branches/PRs, I'm kind of particular about release flow). Once you have something to take a look at, I'd be happy to review.

If you don't that's fine, with my current bandwidth I'll be looking at the next couple weeks to circle back on this myself.

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

On second thought, I'm actually pretty close to getting this rolling. I'll work on it over the next few days, and see about getting a v2 out this weekend.

loris commented 8 years ago

@therebelrobot Impressive works going on for the V2! Do you need some help to get it finished? Do you have an ETA in mind? Quick question: I came here again because I found out an issue when trying to use the current lib with "England" (or "Angleterre" in french). I know motivation for V2 was in part related to support some weird multi-countries nations like the UK, do you think'England', 'name'); will get matched in V2?

chrisforrette commented 7 years ago

Hi @therebelrobot! I found this thread and saw that you were in progress adding state/province short codes—is there anything I can do to help get that, and/or v2 over the finish line?

BrandonCopley commented 7 years ago

As of now I believe CountryJS release v2 is on permanent hold, we are in maintenance mode. I can add you as a collab if you would like to work on v2, but @therebelrobot is no longer working on this project.

-- [image: Giftnix]

Brandon Copley

Founder & CEO

t: 512.784.6060 <(512)%20784-6060>


On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Chris Forrette wrote:

Hi @therebelrobot! I found this thread and saw that you were in progress adding state/province short codes—is there anything I can do to help get that, and/or v2 over the finish line?

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chrisforrette commented 7 years ago

@BrandonCopley I would love to be a contributor.

If it's on permanent hold, is there someone reviewing PRs? and/or someone who I can work with to make sure work is in-line with what was already in progress?

BrandonCopley commented 7 years ago

So far thats me, I brought the project up to date a few months ago, and just try to maintain.

If you want to help add the first PR and I'll be active with merging, etc. I don't have any idea where v2 status is though. We may have to restart it from scratch. I have done no v2 work whatsoever.

On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 7:00 PM Chris Forrette wrote:

@BrandonCopley I would love to be a contributor.

If it's on permanent hold, is there someone reviewing PRs? and/or someone who I can work with to make sure work is in-line with what was already in progress?

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-- -- [image: Giftnix]

Brandon Copley

Founder & CEO

t: 512.784.6060 <javascript:void(0);>


jlulloav commented 6 years ago

Hello @therebelrobot / @BrandonCopley / @chrisforrette / @moimikey , I would love to be a contributor to help on v2. Also, I would like to add some missing ISO information as well.

BrandonCopley commented 6 years ago

Feel Free to add ISO information in a pull request currently no plans for v2 exist.

-- [image: Giftnix]

Brandon Copley

Founder & CEO

t: 512.784.6060 <(512)%20784-6060>


On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 2:30 PM, Jorge L Ulloa Velazquez <> wrote:

Hello @therebelrobot / @BrandonCopley / @chrisforrette / @moimikey , I would love to be a contributor to help on v2. Also, I would like to add some missing ISO information as well.

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jlulloav commented 6 years ago

I already created the PR(GH-61).

I'm getting up to speed with V2. It looks like it almost done based on the above comments. I definitely want to keep this going.

BrandonCopley commented 6 years ago

Sounds good, let's get some work and PR's and I'll look at and can add you as a contributor here. thanks!

-- [image: Giftnix]

Brandon Copley

Founder & CEO

t: 512.784.6060 <(512)%20784-6060>


On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 10:57 AM, Jorge L Ulloa Velazquez <> wrote:

I already created the PR(GH-61

I'm getting up to speed with V2. It looks like it almost done based on the above comments. I definitely want to keep this going.

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