therecipe / qt

Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
10.38k stars 735 forks source link

Building with QT_WEBKIT=true #481

Open rashwell opened 6 years ago

rashwell commented 6 years ago

Wanted to experiment with qtwebkit.

Same error building with webkit output:

INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup check linux' [docker=false] [vagrant=false] 
INFO[0000] GOOS:                        'linux'         
INFO[0000] GOARCH:                      'amd64'         
INFO[0000] GOVERSION:                   'go1.9'         
INFO[0000] GOROOT:                      '/usr/local/go' 
INFO[0000] GOPATH:                   *  '/home/rashwell/gowork' 
INFO[0000] GOBIN:                       '/home/rashwell/gowork/bin' 
INFO[0000] QT_HASH:                     '599f8bc2c975802ea592c43d110209f0a267b188' 
INFO[0000] QT_VERSION:               *  '5.9.1'         
INFO[0000] QT_VERSION_MAJOR:            '5.9.1'         
INFO[0000] QT_DIR:                   *  '/opt/Qt'       
INFO[0000] QT_STUB:                     'false'         
INFO[0000] QT_DEBUG:                    'false'         
INFO[0000] QT_QMAKE_DIR:                ''              
INFO[0000] QT_WEBKIT:                *  'true'          
INFO[0000] QT_DISTRO:                   'fedora'        
INFO[0000] QT_PKG_CONFIG:               'false'         
INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup generate linux' [docker=false] [vagrant=false] 
INFO[0002] generating full qt/core                      
INFO[0005] generating full qt/androidextras             
INFO[0005] generating full qt/gui                       
INFO[0019] generating full qt/network                   
INFO[0020] generating full qt/xml                       
INFO[0020] generating full qt/dbus                      
INFO[0021] generating full qt/nfc                       
INFO[0021] generating full qt/script                    
INFO[0021] generating full qt/sensors                   
INFO[0022] generating full qt/positioning               
INFO[0023] generating full qt/widgets                   
INFO[0035] generating full qt/sql                       
INFO[0036] generating full qt/qml                       
INFO[0036] generating full qt/websockets                
INFO[0037] generating full qt/xmlpatterns               
INFO[0037] generating full qt/bluetooth                 
INFO[0037] generating full qt/webchannel                
INFO[0038] generating full qt/svg                       
INFO[0038] generating full qt/multimedia                
INFO[0042] generating full qt/quick                     
INFO[0043] generating full qt/help                      
INFO[0044] generating full qt/location                  
INFO[0044] generating full qt/scripttools               
INFO[0044] generating full qt/uitools                   
INFO[0045] generating full qt/webengine                 
INFO[0045] generating full qt/testlib                   
INFO[0045] generating full qt/serialport                
INFO[0046] generating full qt/serialbus                 
INFO[0046] generating full qt/printsupport              
INFO[0047] generating full qt/designer                  
INFO[0048] generating full qt/scxml                     
INFO[0049] generating full qt/gamepad                   
INFO[0049] generating full qt/purchasing                
INFO[0049] generating full qt/datavisualization         
INFO[0050] generating full qt/charts                    
INFO[0052] generating full qt/speech                    
INFO[0052] generating full qt/quickcontrols2            
INFO[0052] generating full qt/sailfish                  
INFO[0052] generating full qt/webview                   
INFO[0052] generating full qt/remoteobjects             
INFO[0052] generating full qt/webkit                    
INFO[0053] running: 'qtsetup install linux' [docker=false] [vagrant=false] 
INFO[0053] installing full qt/core                      
INFO[0075] installing full qt/androidextras             
INFO[0075] installing full qt/gui                       
INFO[0155] installing full qt/network                   
INFO[0165] installing full qt/xml                       
INFO[0169] installing full qt/dbus                      
INFO[0173] installing full qt/nfc                       
INFO[0176] installing full qt/script                    
INFO[0178] installing full qt/sensors                   
INFO[0184] installing full qt/positioning               
INFO[0187] installing full qt/widgets                   
INFO[0248] installing full qt/sql                       
INFO[0253] installing full qt/qml                       
INFO[0258] installing full qt/websockets                
INFO[0260] installing full qt/xmlpatterns               
INFO[0263] installing full qt/bluetooth                 
INFO[0268] installing full qt/webchannel                
INFO[0270] installing full qt/svg                       
INFO[0273] installing full qt/multimedia                
INFO[0296] installing full qt/quick                     
INFO[0303] installing full qt/help                      
INFO[0310] installing full qt/location                  
INFO[0313] installing full qt/scripttools               
INFO[0315] installing full qt/uitools                   
INFO[0317] installing full qt/webengine                 
INFO[0323] installing full qt/testlib                   
INFO[0325] installing full qt/serialport                
INFO[0327] installing full qt/serialbus                 
INFO[0331] installing full qt/printsupport              
INFO[0335] installing full qt/designer                  
INFO[0342] installing full qt/scxml                     
INFO[0346] installing full qt/gamepad                   
INFO[0349] installing full qt/purchasing                
INFO[0350] installing full qt/datavisualization         
INFO[0361] installing full qt/charts                    
INFO[0374] installing full qt/speech                    
INFO[0376] installing full qt/quickcontrols2            
INFO[0377] installing full qt/sailfish                  
INFO[0377] installing full qt/webview                   
INFO[0377] installing full qt/remoteobjects             
INFO[0380] installing full qt/webkit                    
ERRO[0381] failed to run command                         cmd="go install -p 8 -v" env= error="exit status 2" func=RunCmdOptionalError name="install webkit"
cgo-gcc-prolog: In function ‘_cgo_226a5790e59e_Cfunc_QWebDatabase_QWebDatabase_RemoveAllDatabases’:
cgo-gcc-prolog:1321:49: warning: unused variable ‘a’ [-Wunused-variable]
cgo-gcc-prolog: In function ‘_cgo_226a5790e59e_Cfunc_QWebSettings_QWebSettings_ClearIconDatabase’:
cgo-gcc-prolog:9428:49: warning: unused variable ‘a’ [-Wunused-variable]
cgo-gcc-prolog: In function ‘_cgo_226a5790e59e_Cfunc_QWebSettings_QWebSettings_ClearMemoryCaches’:
cgo-gcc-prolog:9440:49: warning: unused variable ‘a’ [-Wunused-variable]
webkit.cpp:36:28: fatal error: QGraphicsWebView: No such file or directory
 #include <QGraphicsWebView>
compilation terminated.

WARN[0381] failed to install:                           
WARN[0381] webkit                          

Am I missing something, do I have to install the source as well? Trying that next anyway

5k3105 commented 6 years ago

on the last release webkit broke for me as well.