therecipe / qt

Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Android x86_64 and Android Arm_64 qtdeploy does not exist #551

Open omac777 opened 6 years ago

omac777 commented 6 years ago

Android-x86 7.1-r1 live and installation iso (64-bit)

I was getting build errors for the androidextras from within the internal directory so I decided to move them out to another directory and the build was successful from there. mv therecipe/qt/internal/examples/androidextras/ omac777/

Building the two apks for jni and notification with:

cd omac777/androidextras/notification/
qtdeploy -docker build android .
cd omac777/androidextras/jni/
qtdeploy -docker build android .

From within the Android-x86 VirtualBox, I didn't have shared folders access, but I circumvented the issue by installing vdfuse. I mounted the vdi and copied the two apks into the Downloads directory within Android-X86:

pacaur -S aur/vdfuse
mkdir myAndroidVDI
vdfuse -a -f /home/dma2/VirtualBox\ VMs/droid71x8664/droid71x8664.vdi /mnt/myAndroidVDI/
mkdir myAndroidEntireDiskLoop
mount -o loop /mnt/myAndroidVDI/Partition1 /mnt/myAndroidEntireDiskLoop
cp /home/dma2/Downloads/sharewithapkinstaller/gostagetools.apk ./data/media/0/Download/
umount /mnt/myAndroidEntireDiskLoop/
umount /mnt/myAndroidVDI/

After all this, I got runtime exceptions because I determined the binaries built were for arm32-bit.

My change request is to add a few more build configurations: 1)64-bit arm android build target 2)64-bit x86 android build target

Thank you.

omac777 commented 6 years ago

OK so I decided to take another approach and see if I could see the built android apk would run on armv7 android. Actually it does. Surprisingly the very same apk ALSO runs on armv8 android without modifications.

qtdeploy -docker build android .
mv build-debug.apk gojni.apk
mv gojni.apk /home/dma2/Downloads/sharewithapkinstaller/
mv build-debug.apk gonotification.apk
mv gonotification.apk /home/dma2/Downloads/sharewithapkinstaller/
vdfuse -a -f /home/dma2/VirtualBox\ VMs/droid71x8664/droid71x8664.vdi /mnt/myAndroidVDI/
mount -o loop /mnt/myAndroidVDI/Partition1 /mnt/myAndroidEntireDiskLoop
cp /home/dma2/Downloads/sharewithapkinstaller/gojni.apk /mnt/myAndroidEntireDiskLoop/android-7.1-r1/data/media/0/Download/
chown 1023:1023 gojni.apk 
chmod g+w gojni.apk 
cp /home/dma2/Downloads/sharewithapkinstaller/gonotification.apk /mnt/myAndroidEntireDiskLoop/android-7.1-r1/data/media/0/Download/
chown 1023:1023 gonotification.apk 
chmod g+w gonotification.apk 
umount /mnt/myAndroidEntireDiskLoop/
umount /mnt/myAndroidVDI/
pacman -S android-sdk-platform-tools android-sdk android-platform android-sdk-build-tools
export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk
export ANDROID_AVD_HOME=/root/.android/avd
export PATH=/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/opt/android-sdk/emulator:/opt/android-sdk/tools:/opt/android-sdk/tools/bin:$PATH
usermod -a -G sdkusers dma2
cd .android/
touch repositories.cfg
cd /opt/android-sdk/tools/bin
./sdkmanager --install ndk-bundle
./sdkmanager --install emulator
./sdkmanager --install "system-images;android-24;default;arm64-v8a"
./sdkmanager --install "platforms;android-24" "build-tools;24.0.3" "system-images;android-24;default;x86_64" "system-images;android-24;default;armeabi-v7a"
avdmanager create avd --name "myadk24arm" -k "system-images;android-24;default;armeabi-v7a" -d 1
avdmanager create avd --name "myadk24x8664" -k "system-images;android-24;default;x86_64" -d 1
avdmanager create avd --name "myadk24arm64" -k "system-images;android-24;default;arm64-v8a" -d 1
emulator -list-avds
emulator -avd myadk24arm
emulator -avd myadk24x8664
emulator -avd myadk24arm -gpu on -memory 4096
emulator -avd myadk24arm -gpu on -memory 4096 -verbose
omac777 commented 6 years ago

Within qt/internal/cmd/cmd.go, the function with signature: func BuildEnv(target, name, depPath string) (map[string]string, []string, []string, string)

places android generates only armv7 binaries

case "android":
        tags = []string{target}
        ldFlags = []string{"-s", "-w"}
        out = filepath.Join(depPath, "")
        env = map[string]string{
            "PATH":   os.Getenv("PATH"),
            "GOPATH": utils.GOPATH(),
            "GOROOT": runtime.GOROOT(),

            "GOOS":   "android",
            "GOARCH": "arm",
            "GOARM":  "7",

            "CGO_ENABLED":  "1",
            "CC":           filepath.Join(utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR(), "toolchains", "arm-linux-androideabi-4.9", "prebuilt", runtime.GOOS+"-x86_64", "bin", "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc"),
            "CXX":          filepath.Join(utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR(), "toolchains", "arm-linux-androideabi-4.9", "prebuilt", runtime.GOOS+"-x86_64", "bin", "arm-linux-androideabi-g++"),
            "CGO_CPPFLAGS": fmt.Sprintf("-isystem %v", filepath.Join(utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR(), "platforms", "android-16", "arch-arm", "usr", "include")),
            "CGO_LDFLAGS":  fmt.Sprintf("--sysroot=%v -llog", filepath.Join(utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR(), "platforms", "android-16", "arch-arm")),

Oddly enough the ios targets have arm64 which is equivalent to armv8.

    case "ios", "ios-simulator":
        tags = []string{"ios"}
        ldFlags = []string{"-w"}
        out = filepath.Join(depPath, "libgo.a")

        GOARCH := "amd64"
        CLANGDIR := "iPhoneSimulator"
        CLANGFLAG := "ios-simulator"
        CLANGARCH := "x86_64"
        if target == "ios" {
            GOARCH = "arm64"
            CLANGDIR = "iPhoneOS"
            CLANGPLAT = utils.IPHONEOS_SDK_DIR()
            CLANGFLAG = "iphoneos"
            CLANGARCH = "arm64"

        env = map[string]string{
            "PATH":   os.Getenv("PATH"),
            "GOPATH": utils.GOPATH(),
            "GOROOT": runtime.GOROOT(),

            "GOOS":   runtime.GOOS,
            "GOARCH": GOARCH,

            "CGO_ENABLED":  "1",
            "CGO_CPPFLAGS": fmt.Sprintf("-isysroot %v/Contents/Developer/Platforms/%v.platform/Developer/SDKs/%v -m%v-version-min=10.0 -arch %v", utils.XCODE_DIR(), CLANGDIR, CLANGPLAT, CLANGFLAG, CLANGARCH),
            "CGO_LDFLAGS":  fmt.Sprintf("-isysroot %v/Contents/Developer/Platforms/%v.platform/Developer/SDKs/%v -m%v-version-min=10.0 -arch %v", utils.XCODE_DIR(), CLANGDIR, CLANGPLAT, CLANGFLAG, CLANGARCH),

This places binaries for android at a disadvantage. I believe there should be more flexibility as to what kind of android binary the therecipe/qt bindings generate/build/deploy.

I am recommending that they follow the naming convention as used by the sdkmanager installer. i.e.


I am recommending the commandline for qtdeploy should look like this:

qtdeploy -docker build android-24;default;x86_64 .
qtdeploy -docker build android-24;arm64-v8a .
qtdeploy -docker build android-24;armeabi-v7a .

that implies the docker image has to have support for all these in one fell stroke or there should perhaps be several docker images supporting the different targets.

therecipe commented 6 years ago


Yeah, specifying the android platform api version is a good idea. I will look into this, hopefully the old versions aren't to big.

Specifying the cpu architecture would work as well, but there is still the need for the pre-build Qt libs. Sadly the only pre-build versions provided by the official installer are armv7 and x86.

wicajif114 commented 2 years ago

Hello. It's 2021 and QT 5.15 has prebuilt binaries for android arm32_7 and arm64_8. (And possibly x86 too, but i can't check because i've deleted it and installed QT 5.13, because qtdeploy can't find the new style libraries that have architecture in their names).