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Too many permissions? #113

Open jvolker opened 8 years ago

jvolker commented 8 years ago

I wonder if all of these permissions are really necessary and if so, why?: image


It kind of scared me away in the first place, until I created another test account on Github.

I would also be interested to know how and where the app saves my uploaded examples?

therewasaguy commented 8 years ago

@jvolker you're right that we don't really need all of these permissions.

Originally I experimented with hosting projects through secret GitHub Gists, with the idea that eventually we might move to hosting all projects on GitHub, as either public or private repos. Wound up not going that route, and if the permissions are scaring you I imagine you're not the only one so might as well scale it back.

In the long run users should be able to log in by multiple methods. The priority is a simple way to create an account with an email address + password

This is where we set the scope of permissions and these are the different options:

The simplest would be to limit to user:email.

As far as where data is saved, it's stored in a MongoDB, currently hosted through mlab as mentioned in In the long run it might make more sense to experiment with static hosting on Amazon S3, as discussed in