Closed IvanKonevJr closed 4 years ago
You need to add more characters to the key used to signing auth tokens.
This key is obtained from an environment variable called "secret" by the app.
secret=mysecretkey stack run
oh thank you very much
No problem just let me know if you have any other issues and I will help.
after registration:
now registration not working
Are you trying to reregister an account which already exists?
Try logging in.
no no, registration not working, new user do not added
why login only from localhost, i try connect to my localhost from ngrok - and request not sended ??? can you try connect throw ngrok?
So when you register you get a 401 and the user isn't inserted into the DB?
So when you register you get a 401 and the user isn't inserted into the DB?
Yes it is
and how to add bots to game?
So when you register you get a 401 and the user isn't inserted into the DB?
Yes it is
i found and fix problem with registration
So what was causing the problem?
a problem is a not correct setting urls in profile... and how to add bots to game? and redis do not used?
Also having the same issue... Why I click register is doesn't do anything my guess is it's not saving to redis server?
michael@michael-HP-Pro3500-Series:~/Desktop/ten-poker-master/server$ stack run "couldn't parse redishost from env default used" "REDIS config: " ConnInfo {connectHost = "localhost", connectPort = PortNumber 6379, connectAuth = Nothing, connectDatabase = 0, connectMaxConnections = 50, connectMaxIdleTime = 30s, connectTimeout = Nothing, connectTLSParams = Nothing}
yes this is is write in log
@LaoTsing is the default redis ConnInfo good? If no, can you give me an example and where i need to put it? Thanks!
@Mijobar The default redis ConnInfo is good if you are running redis on localhost on port 6379.
These are the default settings redis uses when you run redis-server
If you for some reason need to change the defaults the app uses then you would start by looking here as this where the default configuration is set.
@therewillbecode why redis not used automatically?
@LaoTsing is the default redis ConnInfo good? If no, can you give me an example and where i need to put it? Thanks!
if you used redis say me how)
@therewillbecode Really awesome project!
I am having a similar issue it seems. I am not too familiar with the redis / postgres workflow so it is probably something small. Similar to Lao when I create a user I get a 401 but the user gets created I can see in the postgres db. I also get a 401 when trying to login with that user I just created.
This the key I am using
I am not sure how to debug this. Any suggestions?
It seems like maybe it didnt like the password I provided because the password I used to register is ignored and a random one is set in the db. Unless it is just storing the password safely.
So what was causing the problem?
I have got the same problem, the user saves into DB but then cannot authorize it. Redis is on 6379 and responding for 'redis-cli ping'
❯ stack run
"Redis host name from env is: "
"REDIS config: "
ConnInfo {connectHost = "", connectPort = PortNumber 6379, connectAuth = Nothing, connectDatabase = 0, connectMaxConnections = 50, connectMaxIdleTime = 30s, connectTimeout = Nothing, connectTLSParams = Nothing}
[Debug#SQL] SELECT "id", "name" FROM "tables" WHERE ("name"=?) LIMIT 1; [PersistText "Black"]
[Debug#SQL] SELECT "id", "name" FROM "tables" WHERE ("name"=?) LIMIT 1; [PersistText "Black"]
[Debug#SQL] UPDATE "users" SET "available_chips"=? WHERE ("available_chips"<?); [PersistInt64 200000,PersistInt64 200000]
"Socket server listening on 5000"
OPTIONS /register
Accept: */*
Status: 200 OK 0.000024s
[Debug#SQL] SELECT "id", "username", "email", "password", "available_chips", "chips_in_play", "created_at" FROM "users" WHERE ("email"=?) LIMIT 1; [PersistText "test@testcom"]
[Debug#SQL] SELECT "id", "username", "email", "password", "available_chips", "chips_in_play", "created_at" FROM "users" WHERE ("username"=?) LIMIT 1; [PersistText "elvin3"]
[Debug#SQL] INSERT INTO "users"("username","email","password","available_chips","chips_in_play","created_at") VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?) RETURNING "id"; [PersistText "test",PersistText "test@elvintestcom",PersistText "\154\180\210\STXAr\200FoXB\241l\"\185EbfAkq\ETX\DC1\189\140Z\148\199\159#1\187",PersistInt64 3000,PersistInt64 0,PersistUTCTime 2020-04-15 19:02:51.917578 UTC]
POST /register
Request Body: {"newUsername":"test","newUserEmail":"","newUserPassword":"test"}
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Status: 401 Unauthorized 0.020263s
[Debug#SQL] UPDATE "users" SET "available_chips"=? WHERE ("available_chips"<?); [PersistInt64 200000,PersistInt64 200000]
Also having the same issue... Why I click register is doesn't do anything my guess is it's not saving to redis server?
michael@michael-HP-Pro3500-Series:~/Desktop/ten-poker-master/server$ stack run "couldn't parse redishost from env default used" "REDIS config: " ConnInfo {connectHost = "localhost", connectPort = PortNumber 6379, connectAuth = Nothing, connectDatabase = 0, connectMaxConnections = 50, connectMaxIdleTime = 30s, connectTimeout = Nothing, connectTLSParams = Nothing}
This is not an issue. All it says is - you didn't pass in envinornment variables to override the Redis settings so we are going to use the defaults.
@elv1n @LaoTsing @befeltingu @Mijobar
So the issue is that the secret key you are supplying as an environment variable to your server is not 32 characters long.
I have updated the example secret in the Readme to be the correct length.
I also updated the code so that you will see a "KeySizeTooSmall" error if the server is given too short a secret. Then this invalid secret is then used to sign a JWT when user registers. Of course this doesn't work and you get a 401.
Does using a 32 character long key for the secret fix your 401 issue?
@therewillbecode That seemed to do it for me. Thanks!
Status: 401 Unauthorized 0.020413627s
In everything wrote this, /register is working, but already wrote that
why on token generation write: Left KeySizeTooSmall ???