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Visualizations #2

Open theriex opened 7 years ago

theriex commented 7 years ago

This is a catch-all topic for discussion of suggested visualizations. All suggestions welcome. The currently planned visualizations are available from the reference display, which reads them from the data.js suppvis array.

theriex commented 7 years ago

First Immigrants: Show the first known landing, first settlement, first successful settlement.

theriex commented 7 years ago

Worldwide ancient cities: Show Teotihuacán near the center of the display and other civilizations worldwide. Some kind of a date range in either direction to show rise and fall.

theriex commented 7 years ago

First officials of color: Find who/when was the first gov/rep/sen/judge for each state and for each timeline group. Color code by states having had officials. Cumulative over time, or current by date.

theriex commented 7 years ago

Indigenous nations: A geographic background showing areas currently part of the U.S. (whether they are states or not), and indigenous nations, with some kind activation/symbol overlay as you move forward/backward in time.

theriex commented 6 years ago

Progression towards (or away from) civil rights and opportunities as citizens. Cover points related to court cases, legislative action, movements, for at least Native, African American and Asian American. Visualize w/r/t census data reflecting what extent equality.

theriex commented 6 years ago

Population Composition: Census categories/numbers over time

theriex commented 6 years ago

Immigration Flows: Who from where over time

theriex commented 6 years ago

Citizenship: Residency/Citizenship availability over time

theriex commented 6 years ago

Monetary Loss: Monetary loss from systemic racism