thermogl / TITokenField

An iOS version of the NSTokenField (See To: field in Mail and Messages).
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Crash when presenting controller with token field become first responder #100

Open dwijsoft-dipen opened 9 years ago

dwijsoft-dipen commented 9 years ago

0 libobjc.A.dylib objc_msgSend + 5 performSelector:withObject:withObject: 1 UIKit
-[UIApplication sendAction:to:from:forEvent:] + 70 2 UIKit
-[UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:] + 44 3 UIKit
-[UIControl _sendActionsForEvents:withEvent:] + 584 4 UIKit
-[UITextField willDetachFieldEditor:] + 222 5 UIKit
-[UIFieldEditor becomeFieldEditorForView:] + 260 6 UIKit
-[UITextField _becomeFirstResponder] + 160 7 UIKit
-[UIResponder becomeFirstResponder] + 348 8 UIKit
-[UIView(Hierarchy) becomeFirstResponder] + 106 9 UIKit
-[UITextField becomeFirstResponder] + 46 10 App Name TITokenFieldView.m line 487 -[TITokenField becomeFirstResponder] 11 UIKit
-[UIView(Hierarchy) deferredBecomeFirstResponder] + 56 12 UIKit
__45-[UIView(Hierarchy) _postMovedFromSuperview:]_block_invoke + 162 13 Foundation
-[NSISEngine withBehaviors:performModifications:] + 256 14 UIKit
-[UIView(Hierarchy) _postMovedFromSuperview:] + 402 15 UIKit
-[UIView(Internal) _addSubview:positioned:relativeTo:] + 1500 16 UIKit
-[UIView(Hierarchy) addSubview:] + 30 17 UIKit
-[UINavigationTransitionView transition:fromView:toView:] + 478 18 UIKit
-[UINavigationTransitionView transition:toView:] + 26 19 UIKit
-[UINavigationController _startTransition:fromViewController:toViewController:] + 2346 20 UIKit
-[UINavigationController _startDeferredTransitionIfNeeded:] + 578 21 UIKit
-[UINavigationController __viewWillLayoutSubviews] + 44