therneau / survival

Survival package for R
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Create github page with {usethis} package #219

Closed brunomioto closed 1 year ago

brunomioto commented 1 year ago

You can just run usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages()

therneau commented 1 year ago

I have no idea what you are talking about. What is the overall point of this post?

brunomioto commented 1 year ago

The idea is create a auto-updating website for this package. It will render a website every time you update your package (take a loot at It makes it easier to find functions (that was my problem) and it can be easier for new users

therneau commented 1 year ago

I have no interest in expanding the scope of the github page. First, as noted on the main page, this is a courtesy copy of the real repository, which is in mercurial, on a Mayo internal server. Second, as a recommended package, this cannot depend on anything outside of R base + recommended. (So all the vignettes are in Sweave, even though I personally prefer knitr.)