therneau / survival

Survival package for R
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Partial argument matching #222

Closed chjackson closed 1 year ago

chjackson commented 1 year ago

I had an issue report about the use of partial argument matching in some of flexsurv's code (e.g. seq(length= instead of seq(length.out= or seq_len) so I ran flexsurv's tests with these options set:

  warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE,
  warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE,
  warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE

which then returned warnings due to the following use of partial argument matching in survreg (that was being called in some of flexsurv's code) fit$coef in line 269 of survreg.R. You may or may not be bothered about this! Though I also noticed a typo in the next line 270, fit$coeffients, which you may be more bothered by.

therneau commented 1 year ago

You are correct. Now fixed in my master copy. I have 2 more errors to look at, then I'll push it up to github.