therneau / survival

Survival package for R
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feature request: number of id in time-dependent covariate coxph() #250

Closed jaromilfrossard closed 3 months ago

jaromilfrossard commented 5 months ago

Thank you for creating survival!

The output of coxph() using time-dependent covariate displays the number of rows of the data as "n=..." instead of the number of "id", even when "id" is specified. From my understanding, the number of "id" is not return in the "coxph" which makes the post-processing of the output more complicated. It might be useful to also add the number of "id", in addition to the number of rows.


df <- 
    id = seq_len(n),
    eos_time = round(runif(n,100,200)),
  eos_event = rbinom(n,1,prob=.2),
  event_01 = round(runif(n,20,40)),
  event_02 = round(runif(n,60,80)),
  grp = rep(c(1,0),each= n/2)) 

df$eos_time2 <- df$eos_time

df_tv <-
  tmerge(df[,c("id","grp")],df[,c("id","eos_time")],id=id,tstop=eos_time) |> 
  tmerge(data2=df[,c("id","event_01","event_02")],event_01 = event(event_01),event_01 = event(event_02),id=id) |> 
  tmerge(data2=df[,c("id","eos_time2")],eos_event = event(eos_time2),id=id)

# same model different n!
# n=30
m <- coxph(Surv(eos_time,eos_event)~grp,data=df)

# n=90
m_tv <- coxph(Surv(time = tstart,time2 =tstop,eos_event)~grp,data=df_tv,id=id)
therneau commented 5 months ago

This is a useful suggestion --- I recently added to the survfit object based on the same thought.

therneau commented 3 months ago

This has now been added: the coxph object has an element, if there was an id argument.