Made some key changes hope you like it:)
Modular Functions: Separate functions were created for different tasks (check_python_version, load_api_key, and get_current_timestamp). This improves readability and maintainability.
Error Handling: Errors are caught and logged in the main function, making the script more robust. Instead of exiting abruptly with sys.exit, we raise exceptions or print error messages for better diagnostics.
Logging and Return Values: In a real-world scenario, you might want to log these errors or handle them differently, depending on the application's needs.
Functionality Assumptions: The NasaAPI.get_today_image() method is assumed to handle API responses and return some output. Make sure this method is designed to handle errors like invalid API responses, timeouts, etc.
Made some key changes hope you like it:) Modular Functions: Separate functions were created for different tasks (check_python_version, load_api_key, and get_current_timestamp). This improves readability and maintainability.
Error Handling: Errors are caught and logged in the main function, making the script more robust. Instead of exiting abruptly with sys.exit, we raise exceptions or print error messages for better diagnostics.
Logging and Return Values: In a real-world scenario, you might want to log these errors or handle them differently, depending on the application's needs.
Functionality Assumptions: The NasaAPI.get_today_image() method is assumed to handle API responses and return some output. Make sure this method is designed to handle errors like invalid API responses, timeouts, etc.