therouv / Magento-DebitPayment

DebitPayment Extension for Magento
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SEPA info not showing in order in Admin Panel #59

Open pixelfreezer opened 10 years ago

pixelfreezer commented 10 years ago


I'm running the latest version (1.1.0) on Magneto CE and have just switched to SEPA.

When a customer enters their IBAN and BIC at checkout, everything is fine. The order email contains the IBAN and BIC with XXX's as expected.

However, in the Magento Admin Panel, under Sales/Orders, in the Payment Information section of the order, there is no IBAN or BIC, only the old Bank code and Account number fields which are blank. Here is a copy and paste from a test order:

Debit Payment

Bank name: Test Bank Bank code: Account holder: Test User Account number:

Order was placed using EUR

There should be IBAN and BIC numbers here. The store owner isn't getting the IBAN and BIC numbers and has to call the customer!

I've reinstalled the plugin but there was no change.



therouv commented 10 years ago

Hi Jason,

did you modify the adminhtml templates of the debit payment extension? Was the setup script executed successfully? Are the debit payment fields in the necessary database tables - sales_flat_quote_payment and sales_flat_order_payment - present?

pixelfreezer commented 10 years ago

Hi Rouven,

I have not modified any of the extension's files.

I'm assuming the setup script was successful. I've been using the extension using the standard bank account & routing numbers for almost two years. I've always installed the latest update when available. I've just switched to using SEPA and this issue happened.

I've checked both of those database tables and there is only one field that seems to be related to debit payment and that is 'debit_bankname'.



pixelfreezer commented 10 years ago

An update:

I uninstalled the extension again and run the SQL statements in the readme to clear the database. I've installed 1.1.0 again from Magento Connect.

I now see the following fields in the database tables you mentioned:

debit_bankname debit_swift debit_iban debit_type

I've made some test orders and the same problem still exists. In the database the only debit_ field that contains any data for the order is the debitbankname field. The other debit fields are NULL.



pixelfreezer commented 10 years ago

Hi Rouven,

Any ideas on this issue? I still can't get it working...



therouv commented 10 years ago

Hi Jason, did you configure the extension to using "SEPA"? Otherwise the fields will be NULL.

pixelfreezer commented 10 years ago

Hi Rouven,

Yes, I've selected SEPA in the admin.

gaiterjones commented 9 years ago

I am seeing this issue too. The correct SEPA data in admin is not being shown because getDebitType() in Itabs_Debit_Helper_Data() is returning an invalid (empty) value.

The code attempts to get the debit method from the current order view but for some reason fails and returns an empty (invalid) value. This results in you seeing the bank data template phtml for the default debit type and not SEPA.

To work around this edit app/code/community/Itabs/Debit/Helper/Data.php and modify the getDebitType function adding the following before the return $type statement ;

// if debit type empty (invalid) use config value if (empty($type)) {$type = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/debit/debit_type'); }

This will check for an invalid empty debit type and use the store config value as the default.

In my case I can then see the IBAN data, but the swift/BIC data is still missing...

gaiterjones commented 9 years ago

Have forked this project and updated my changes for this bug here