Closed matsad3547 closed 3 years ago
I'm using sass in an angular app
on my /app/style/_icons.scss file:
$simple-line-font-path : "../../node_modules/simple-line-icons/fonts/";
@import '../../node_modules/simple-line-icons/scss/simple-line-icons';
@extend .icon-pencil;
and works! Hope my case helps
$simple-line-font-path: "~simple-line-icons/fonts/";
@import "~simple-line-icons/scss/simple-line-icons";
Instead of:
$simple-line-font-path : "../../node_modules/simple-line-icons/fonts/";
@import '../../node_modules/simple-line-icons/scss/simple-line-icons';
I'm having trouble with this. I've got the following in my css:
$simple-line-font-path: "~simple-line-icons/fonts/";
@import "~simple-line-icons/css/simple-line-icons";
But it's not working, I keep receiving the following error:
ERROR in ./node_modules/css-loader!./node_modules/postcss-loader/lib!./node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js!.
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../fonts/Simple-Line-Icons.woff?v=2.2.2' in '/var/www/sa
I can't see where I'm going wrong, I have Font Awesome being imported in the exact same way and it works fine.
EDIT: I'm an idiot, I was pointing to the css directory, not the scss directory...
does this work for you when testing a production build?
Oh my GOOOOOOOD you guys.
I've had the very same problem the author described.
And adding this to my app/javascript/stylesheets/application.scss
$simple-line-font-path: "~simple-line-icons/fonts/";
@import "~simple-line-icons/scss/simple-line-icons";
I published a StackOverflow topic to try and promote the idea that the process of integration of lesser known fonts should be simplified.
Please support.
I grabbed these icons via the npm package and installed it with
$ yarn add simple-line-icons
as usual. I've used these on an existing project at work, but I don't know how to use them here. I've got them attached as a classname in my react components like this:I also added this to my CSS file:
which was the most useful thing I could guess from the docs. The project is based on 'create-react-app' so its nothing terribly fancy. I'm not getting any errors in the console, but nothing is showing up. Any help would be great!