thesamim / TickTickSync

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Message spam and inescapable screenjacking are a problem #129

Open D3SL opened 2 months ago

D3SL commented 2 months ago

I'm not sure how exactly it keeps happening but each time I've tried tickticksync it winds up wanting to delete what seems like my entire ticktick history of old completed tasks. Losing my history isn't great, but a bigger issue is that each and every single one produces a screen-covering popup that needs to be tapped or waited out. While these popups are spamming the screen Obsidian is completely unusable. In my case it ran for five straight minutes before obsidian crashed.

Similarly before it started this I got a series of popups saying a task issue should be rectified before the next sync. Each time it was one task, and it completely hijacked obsidian's UI so I could do nothing else until I clicked through an unknown number of these popups.

thesamim commented 1 month ago

Sorry you're experiencing this. I need to get context on how you got there...

Please fill in the following: **Set up questions:

OS: [e.g. iOS]

Device: [e.g. iPhone6]

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

thesamim commented 1 month ago

@D3SL : Hi, hoping you can give me a bit more detail on what's going on so I can resolve it.

D3SL commented 1 month ago

My best guess is somewhere in setting up both my PC and phone (synced via dropsync), reconfiguring the obsidian destination to be inside a folder, and then setting it to only sync things tagged "ticktick" something went wrong.

The issue is less the outcome, which was likely an error on my part, and more that both types pop-ups lock the user out of the app. The former by covering the controls and potentially being spammed in huge numbers and the latter by outright preventing interaction with anything else. You can't even get into settings to disable the plug-in as an emergency fix.

As far as the situation itself goes the only thing I can say is it would be nice to implement a "sanity check" that spots huge numbers of deletions and asks if the user wants to keep local, keep remote, or the like.

thesamim commented 1 month ago

@D3SL : Got it. Will work on that.