theseer / DirectoryScanner

PHP File Scanner
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Please provide LICENSE #3

Closed remicollet closed 10 years ago

remicollet commented 10 years ago

Ca you please provides a LICENSE file in the pear package, with role="doc"

Fedora Packaging Guidelines requires (to respect the License term) that each RPM includes the LICENSE file, when provided by upstream, and to request for it when missing.

So I do.

Please also consider adding the tests folder (with role="test"), will be usefull for downstream distribution.

theseer commented 10 years ago

Already added with commit 7913d0bba43ce826ad0277066bba62b18b64add4, included in release 1.3.1

pedzed commented 9 years ago

Just for additional info, this is the New BSD License. composer.json says that it's BSD-2-Clause though.