theseus-rs / postgresql-embedded

Embed PostgreSQL database
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don't trace self or command builders #68

Closed Dridus closed 1 month ago

Dridus commented 1 month ago

this is a bit more personal opinion so feel free to reject on the grounds that it's not how you like it, but I preferred the traces to be more compact at the expense of gory detail, and not include passwords.

example output before with tracing-subscriber at debug but otherwise default:

2024-05-21T01:30:55.397748Z DEBUG setup{self=PostgreSQL { version: Version { major: 16, minor: Some(3), release: Some(0) }, settings: Settings { installation_dir: "<snip>\\.theseus\\postgresql\\16.3.0", password_file: "<snip>\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.tmpUnpHTi\\.pgpass", data_dir: "<snip>", host: "localhost", port: 0, username: "<snip>", password: "<snip>", temporary: false, timeout: Some(5s) } }}:initialize{self=PostgreSQL { version: Version { major: 16, minor: Some(3), release: Some(0) }, settings: Settings { installation_dir: "<snip>\\.theseus\\postgresql\\16.3.0", password_file: "<snip>\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.tmpUnpHTi\\.pgpass", data_dir: "<snip>", host: "localhost", port: 0, username: "<snip>", password: "<snip>", temporary: false, timeout: Some(5s) } }}:execute_command{self=PostgreSQL { version: Version { major: 16, minor: Some(3), release: Some(0) }, settings: Settings { installation_dir: "<snip>\\.theseus\\postgresql\\16.3.0", password_file: "<snip>\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.tmpUnpHTi\\.pgpass", data_dir: "<snip>", host: "localhost", port: 0, username: "<snip>", password: "<snip>", temporary: false, timeout: Some(5s) } } command_builder=InitDbBuilder { program_dir: Some("<snip>\\.theseus\\postgresql\\16.3.0\\bin"), auth: Some("password"), auth_host: None, auth_local: None, pgdata: Some("<snip>"), encoding: Some("UTF8"), allow_group_access: false, icu_locale: None, icu_rules: None, data_checksums: false, locale: None, lc_collate: None, lc_ctype: None, lc_messages: None, lc_monetary: None, lc_numeric: None, lc_time: None, no_locale: false, locale_provider: None, pwfile: Some("<snip>\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.tmpUnpHTi\\.pgpass"), text_search_config: None, username: Some("<snip>"), pwprompt: false, waldir: None, wal_segsize: None, set: None, debug: false, discard_caches: false, directory: None, no_clean: false, no_sync: false, no_instructions: false, show: false, sync_only: false, version: false, help: false }}: postgresql_commands::traits: Executing command: "<snip>\\.theseus\\postgresql\\16.3.0\\bin\\initdb" "--auth" "password" "--pgdata" "<snip>" "--encoding" "UTF8" "--pwfile" "<snip>\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.tmpUnpHTi\\.pgpass" "--username" "<snip>"

and after:

2024-05-21T01:31:16.664100Z DEBUG setup:initialize:execute_command{program="initdb"}: postgresql_commands::traits: Executing command: "C:\\Users\\rmm-m\\.theseus\\postgresql\\16.3.0\\bin\\initdb" "--auth" "password" "--pgdata" "<snip>" "--encoding" "UTF8" "--pwfile" "<snip>\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.tmpegLodC\\.pgpass" "--username" "<snip>"

this also adds the database name as an explicit field to the various database related functions, e.g.:

2024-05-21T01:31:20.642161Z DEBUG database_exists{database_name="<snip>"}:execute_command{program="psql"}: postgresql_commands::traits: Executing command: "<snip>\\.theseus\\postgresql\\16.3.0\\bin\\psql" "--command" "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname=\'<snip>\'" "--no-psqlrc" "--tuples-only" "--host" "localhost" "--port" "60078" "--username" "<snip>"
brianheineman commented 1 month ago

Hello @Dridus thank you for the PR! Your changes for the traces look good to me and I am happy to include them. However, it looks like this PR contains changes from #67 as well. If you could remove those changes from this PR it would make it easier to review these changes in isolation. Thanks!

Dridus commented 1 month ago

so revised, back 'atcha

brianheineman commented 1 month ago

This change was released in version 0.9.3; thank you for your contribution!