thesleort / Android-Slow-Motion-Camera2

Android camera utilizing the new Android Camera2 API.
GNU General Public License v3.0
42 stars 24 forks source link

All HighSpeed profiles unavailable #2

Open samohd opened 3 years ago

samohd commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to get high speed recording (240 frames) working with a Galaxy S9. The built-in camera app will record 1080p240... but I've tried a dozen different approaches from examples I've found online, with no luck. Regardless of everthing I try, it all comes down to, I think, that since CamcorderProfile.HasProfile(CamcorderQuality.HighSpeed...) with any HighSpeed value, returns false, nothing else matters? I've read that you have to use Camera2 API which I've tried, but I'm not sure if that's relevant if HasProfile says no. But, even trying just to set MediaRecorder settings manually, it won't work. What am I missing here? Note, the S9 has Android 8 on it, could that be the problem?

samohd commented 3 years ago

Further to my intial inquiry... I was able to try this on a S8 with Android 9... it also fails on HasProfile() for all HighSpeed options.