thess / callattendant

A python-based automated call attendant, call blocker, and voice messaging system running on a Raspberry Pi or equivalent. Screens callers and block robocalls and scams with a low-cost system and modem.
MIT License
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How To Search Permitted and/or Blocked Numbers via the Web UI? #9

Open whitedavidp opened 6 months ago

whitedavidp commented 6 months ago

It seems like all searches are performed against the call log - even it the currently displayed page is NOT the call log. Seems it would be useful to be able to search by name or number against the Permitted and Blocked Numbers if the search is initiated from those pages instead of the Calls page. Is this possible? Can the header, where the search bar is located, "know" which page is currently displayed? Thanks

thess commented 6 months ago

Not a bad suggestion... This version of Callattendant sorts the permitted list alphabetically by name and the block list by number. Just my personal preference.