thesupersonic16 / DALTools

A collection of tools aiming to help modifying files for the DATE A LIVE Visual Novels
MIT License
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More Sting game support? #23

Open otomevn opened 3 years ago

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Hello, first I want to thank you for making this tool. We're translating another Sting game, they used the same file type but when I loaded it, the program immediately crashed.

The game's name is Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly. Here are its data files, including database file and script.pck file. I really appreciate it if you can take a look at it when you're free.

Thank you so much in advance!

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

This repository is intended for only Date A Live games. I can try support that game aswell but that will depend on how similar the game is from Date A Live.

Also the instructions look different from DAL: RR. I will need the exe file of the game to look into to see if the names are in.

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for the quick reply! I understand that this is very hard and time-consuming, it's perfectly okay if ultimately, you couldn't help me.

I see, thank you! If I'm not mistaken, here is the .exe file.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Can I see what the settings and extra menus look like?

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Okay, here are some screenshots: Menu: here

Options: here

Extras menu: here

Flow chart: here

Thank you so much! If you need anything else please tell me.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Can you check if the game still works with this file and also says a bunch of "Test" on two lines on the first dialogue. If it works, can you also take screenshot and send it here?.


otomevn commented 3 years ago

Thank you! Work like a charm! Here is the screenshot.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Got all the scripts to read with no errors, but I need the application tested with the actual game.

If you don't mind, can you try mess with this and let me know of any issues or anything missing? Also make sure to backup any text often just incase a random crash were to happen.

Right now this should only allow just message editing, which means language settings, database and exporting/importing don't work. To get the application loaded you need to give it an extra argument of pbb. Here is example: ScriptDialogueEditor.exe Data\ENG\Script\Script.pck pbb

If you need any help with using the application, feel free to send a message.

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Oh thank you so much! That was fast xD

I got the application loaded with all the scripts with no problems. But I'm a little confused about "messing with it". Do I just need to randomly change the texts everywhere and then load the game up, test if the texts are displayed correctly? Or do I need to do something else?

I'm also not sure about backing up the texts. Is there any way to export them to texts file and import back? Or do we just click save?

Once again thank you very much for your time, I really appreciate it!

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Just use it like normal and let me know if there is something that is broken or something is missing that you need to edit. Just select a script on the left and double click on the text on the right to change it and then press save and load up your game.

As for exporting to text file, It's currently broken, but I can try get it working later.

Edit: As for backing up, I just mean save your texts somewhere incase something ends up going wrong and you wouldnt want to lose your work.

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Okay, thanks! I will test the application and let you know soon!

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Here is what one of the export/import formats look like. Is there any requirements you have for them? I don't do translating so I don't really know.

TSV (In VSCode Preview):

otomevn commented 3 years ago

It looks super neat! Thank you!

Normally we work as a team on a google sheet (it looks like this and this), and I find this method is extremely effective. We would see everyone's edits in real-time and we would have control over everything (like knowing when a translator is inactive for a long period of time, or knowing when a person used machine translators). We've completed 6 long visual novel projects in merely 2.5 years by using this method.

In the past, we would give some scripts to someone and then they would disappear for like half a year without any prior notice, and we'd stuck waiting for that person. Using a google sheet, we wouldn't have that problem anymore. So I would love it if you can support xlxs export/importing - which is excel's native format.

I totally understand if you couldn't tho and I appreciate all of your help! Thanks a lot!!!

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

oh that's interesting, happy to hear more. Also I think Google Sheets can actually import .tsv files so I might not need to add xlsx, I could try adding xlsx if you really need it.

I'll send you a build with what DALTools normally outputs, but if there is anything else that you want/need changed, please let me know. To export just right click any script and click "Batch Export Translation" and when importing use the "(Without Key)" option. I notice the flaw pretty late with the other option. lol

I hope this all will help smooth out your translation workload.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Oh exporting everything into a single xlsx wasn't that hard. Thats over 100 sheets lol

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Oh importing tsv files would be nice. But there are over 100 scripts so I guess we will have to manually upload them into a google spreadsheet?

Oh exporting everything into a single xlsx wasn't that hard. That's over 100 sheets lol

Oooh cool, but I think Google sheets wouldn't load an xlxs file when there are over 100 sheets, due to number of cells limit exceeded. But in the worst case I think we could just manually import those.

I encountered a new problem tho >"< sorry for bothering you again, but do you have any idea why would my edited font doesn't work? I tried to add Vietnamese characters to it but when I boot the game up and test, the newly fixed characters don't appear.

Here is the edited font & script.pck file. Here is the scripts I tested with

àáạảãâầấậẩẫăằắặẳẵèéẹẻẽêềếệểễìíịỉĩò óọỏõôồốộổỗơờớợởỡùúụủũưừứựửữỳýỵỷỹđ ÀÁẠẢÃÂẦẤẬẨẪĂẰẮẶẲẴÈÉẸẺẼÊỀẾỆỂỄÌÍỊỈĨÒ


Here and here are those in the game (most of them are squares):

Only ứ ừ ữ etc... showed up. I have no idea why tho. Thank you again for your time! You're too kind! H

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

I knew this was going to happen. Did the original font have all the characters you needed? I think this is the same issue with Date A Live where they hardcoded a range of characters that can be read. I could try check it out, but I didn't have much luck with DAL.

otomevn commented 3 years ago

No it doesn't have the characters I need :(

Oh, I see, in that case, I guess the only choice is to use a character replacing table. The tool could use a feature that allows it to apply a table when exporting the translation. But that means more work for you >"<

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Like I said I didn't have much luck with DAL, but I have still made an attempt which might work or might not work. The exe linked should have 3 byte conversion disabled, this trick has worked for one language in the past. Let me know if it fixes or breaks anything.


otomevn commented 3 years ago

I see, thank you! Unfortunately, the new exe file crashed after I clicked new game, chose heroine's name and clicked OK.

When I tried to load a save, this error came up.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

I did some calculating, I got the patch wrong and there shouldn't be anything thing prevent it from working. Looks like we will need the character replacing table. Is there any standard formats out there?

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Thank you! We've been using a table formatted like this: Screenshot Character1=character2 Character1 is from our Vietnamese alphabet, and it's replaced by character2 (character2 is what available in the font). Then we edit the font texture.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Kinda rushed this, Is this what you need?

Just make a text file called replace.ini next to Script.pck and place your replacements like how you have it written in the screenshot. It should show the replacements for all the messages within the app and export/imports except the "Prev Message" part when editing within the app.

otomevn commented 3 years ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! That's exactly what I need. I've tried changing a few characters and it works flawlessly in-game. I will test more to see if it has any error.

Once again, thank you for your time! And your kindness. You're an angel!!!

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Sorry for bothering you again, I added the full table then the application crashed. Hereis my table. Dunno what went wrong T_T

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Did any error message show up?

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Yes, here it is.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

I guessed right. I might add a check later, but check if you have any duplicates in the file. You cannot have any duplicates with other lines on the left side of the = symbol.

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Oh, I see, that's a typo on my part, found and fixed it xD THANK YOU SO MUCH! It worked flawlessly!!! By the way, happy valentine! xD

otomevn commented 3 years ago


I'm here to bother you again >"< I imported .tsv files manually into google sheets. Then I translated some lines, download the sheet as xlsx, begged a friend to write a tool to split the xlsx into tsv (here is the split tsv from xlsx). Then I tried to batch import the newly split tsv into the tool to repack but got this error.

As far as I know, the tsv files aren't being used by any program. Any ideas? Thanks a lot in advance!

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

The TSV is invalid. I look into trying to import the xlsx directly.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Haven't tested it, but give this build a try. It adds an extra option for xlsx importing.

otomevn commented 3 years ago

BRILLIANT! Thanks a lot, I'm so grateful. I've tested it and it worked flawlessly. Honestly, I can't thank you enough >"<

otomevn commented 3 years ago

Hello, it's me again! The translation team began to work and everything seems perfect. Except for one issue, we can't edit the speaker's name. Is there any way to edit it or the tool isn't supporting it yet? Thank you!

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

It might be possible. I will try look into getting it exported. Is it possible to have 2 names show up?

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Just added Name as a separate entry. I'm not 100% sure how they work as I don't have the game. Let me know if this helps.

Kent9595 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am a member of the Otomevn group. I just did a test with the new tool, and I can only modify the name inside, it still keep the English name when importing xlsx file. Is there any way to change the Name in the script by the Name that has been modified in an xlsx file? Thank you for advance.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Can I see a screenshot of the game and the same text in the editor? I could be changing the wrong thing.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

I'm unclear with what you are saying, can you explain what you mean by the modifying the name inside? Are you editing the name on the Name entry? Maybe I can make it read the name from the Message entry instead if its confusing.

Kent9595 commented 3 years ago


Here is the image in the game: Game.

The same line in the editor: Editor. If I click here, I can change the Name "Me".

The same line in the Xlsx file Xlsx.

In the Xlsx file I modified the Name "I" => "Tôi", but when I import the XLsx file into the Editor, the Name still keeps the English name. And I would like that if I change the name in the XLSX file, the one in the Editor changes too. Please tell me if you don't understand what I want to say. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for advance.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Ok I see. I intended for the file to be re-exported. I will look into getting it to import from the Comment column instead. Will take some time as the library isn't designed to read from there. Don't do any exporting with that build.

Kent9595 commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much and sorry to bother you.

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

I actually just notice the build before had another import issue, hopefully this change will also fix that issue. This should now import the names from the same row as the message. Haven't tested it much, but let me know if you run into anymore issues.

Kent9595 commented 3 years ago

Okay. I'll try it. Thank you very much.

Kent9595 commented 3 years ago

That works.


Thank you very much.

ToumaKun commented 3 years ago

Hello, @thesupersonic16! I have a couple of questions for you. Can you tell me your mail?

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

I would prefer to reply on GitHub. What questions do you have?

ToumaKun commented 3 years ago

I would prefer to reply on GitHub. What questions do you have?

This is not a public question:)

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

Then message me on Discord at SuperSonic16#0001

ToumaKun commented 3 years ago

I sent a friend request :)

thesupersonic16 commented 3 years ago

I do not accept friend requests. Just send me a DM directly.