thetatoken / guardian-mainnet-guide

Guide for setting up the Guardian Node for the mainnet
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Docker Edgenode pending tfuel stay in pending #211

Open cmbcbe opened 1 year ago

cmbcbe commented 1 year ago

Hello all,

i have several edge node that are working for more than 1 month, all have a pending balance of tfuel. As i understand, it should transfer automaticly from pending to wallet every begin of month. We are at the beginning of month but amount stuck in pending? Any idea? Thanks for any help

docker exec -it theta /bin/sh -c "edgeencoder query status | grep pending_tfuel"

"pending_tfuel": 13.807"

cmbcbe commented 1 year ago


hello does anyone can help me? I have not found any help on telegram channel, i suppose i'em not the only one guy who farm tfuel on docker node, am i? :)

archertanu commented 1 year ago

@cmbcbe how can i my own tfuel wallet address in docker? me alredy set my own secret "Password" . how how can i access that random wallet that generate by edge node? thanks.

archertanu commented 1 year ago

issue solved .

cmbcbe commented 1 year ago

not solved

archertanu commented 1 year ago

your coins will send to wallet on the 1st day of month.for me it running docker at 4 -5 instances right issues till date.