thetensor-space / Auto-Sandbox

Algorithms for automorphism groups
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and another #14

Open eamonnaobrien opened 4 years ago

eamonnaobrien commented 4 years ago

G:=SmallGroup (7^6, 251); A := AutomorphismGroupByInvariants (G);

AutomorphismGroupByInvariants( G: GrpPC ) PseudoIsometryGroup( T: Tensor of valence 3, U2 x U1 >-> U0 U2 : Full Vector space o... ) SearchCosetsW( T: Tensor of valence 3, U2 x U1 >-> U0 U2 : Full Vector space o..., Supergroup: MatrixGroup(6, GF(7)) of order 2^6 3^6 7^5, Subgroup: MatrixGroup(6, GF(7)) of order 2, piV: Mapping from: GL(6, GF(7)) to GL(3, GF(7)) given by a rule [..., piW: Mapping from: GL(6, GF(7)) to GL(3, GF(7)) given by a rule [..., THE_W_INDEX: 74088, MAX: 1073741824 ) __test_pseudo_extension( T: Tensor of valence 3, U2 x U1 >-> U0 U2 : Full Vector space o..., Supergroup: MatrixGroup(6, GF(7)) of order 2^6 3^6 7^5, Subgroup: MatrixGroup(6, GF(7)) of order 2, h: [2 0 0] [5 3 5] [3 1 0] ) In file "/home/eobr007/Stabiliser/Auto-Sandbox/src/isom-test.m", line 255, column 3:

assert LMGIsIn (Supergroup, z); ^ Runtime error in assert: Assertion failed