thetrickster / FoundationPress-child

Child theme for FoundationPress Wordpress/Foundation starter theme at
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Error on first sass compile...fixed! #8

Open smeyer opened 10 years ago

smeyer commented 10 years ago

I wanted to post this for everyone's benefit:

I was getting the following error when I try to compile the app.scss file via Terminal/Grunt in the child theme for FoundationPress: Running "sass:dist" (sass) task Warning: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/starter_theme_3.9.2/wp-content/themes/starter_theme_FP/scss/app.scss:3: error: file to import not found or unreadable: "foundation" Use --force to continue.

I was originally trying to compile the file using CodeKit, but based on comments in another Issue for FoundationPress, I tried compiling it using Grunt. Still no luck.

I thought that it might be possible that the includePaths in the Gruntfile should be edited to refer to the parent theme, so I tried that and it compiled!

includePaths: ['../FoundationPress/bower_components/foundation/scss']

Just wanted to give a heads up about it...